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Card Translations

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PRISM-Smile, Koro

プリズム-スマイル コロ
Card No.:EB06/027Rarity:C
Grade:0Clan:Bermuda Triangle
Skill:BoostType:Normal Unit
Original Card Text
Original Flavor Text
English Card Text
[A]: Forerunner (When Ridden on by a unit of the same clan, may Call to (R))
[A] [(R)]: When another ::Bermuda Triangle:: is returned from (R) to your hand, you may return this to your hand. 
English Flavor Text
Aww, you're already leav~ing? 
Reference Card >

Dazzling Divas Extra Pack
Looking for the whole list? Click here:
Dazzling Divas Extra Pack Translation >
(.txt file, Shift_JIS encoding. For cardsleeve inserts, click "Inserts" to the left)

Card #Name (click for details)GradeClan
EB06/001Eternal Idol, Pacifica
エターナルアイドル パシフィカ
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/002PRISM-Promise, Labrador
PR♥ISM-P ラブラドル
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/003PRISM-Image, Belle
PR♥ISM-I ヴェール
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/004Aurora Star, Coral
オーロラスター コーラル
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/005PRISM-Promise, Celt
PR♥ISM-P ケルト
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/006PRISM-Image, Clear
PR♥ISM-I クリア
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/007Mermaid Idol, Elly
マーメイドアイドル エリー
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/008Shining Singer, Ionia
シャイニングシンガー イオニア
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/009PRISM-Smile, Liguria
PR♥ISM-S リグリア
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/010Shiny Star, Coral
シャイニースター コーラル
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/011PRISM-Romance, Lumiere
PR♥ISM-R リュミエール
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/012Sweets Harmony, Mona
スイーツハーモニー モナ
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/013PRISM-Romance, Mercure
PR♥ISM-R メルキュール
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/014Mirror Songstress, Biscay
鏡の歌姫 ビスケ
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/015Angelic Star, Coral
エンジェリックスター コーラル
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/016Fan Dance Princess, Minato
扇の舞姫 ミナト
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/017PRISM-Romance, Etoile
PR♥ISM-R エトワール
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/018Interior Beauty, Loire
インテリビューティー ロワール
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/019PRISM-Image, Rosa
PR♥ISM-I ローザ
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/020PRISM-Smile, Scotia
PR♥ISM-S スコーティア
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/021Mermaid Idol, Sedna
マーメイドアイドル セドナ
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/022Fresh Star, Coral
フレッシュスター コーラル
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/023PRISM-Promise, Leyte
PR♥ISM-P レイテ
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/024Mascot Lady, Oria
マスコットレディ オリア
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/025Library Madonna, Lion
ライブラリーマドンナ リオン
1Bermuda Triangle
EB06/026Dolphin Friend, Plage
ドルフィンフレンド プラージュ
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/027PRISM-Smile, Koro
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/028Plushie Evolution, Alc
着ぐるみ七変化 アルク
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/029Gunslinger Star, Florida
ガンスリンガースター フロリダ
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/030PRISM-Miracle, Canaria
PR♥ISM-M カナリア
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/031PRISM-Miracle, Adria
PR♥ISM-M アドリア
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/032Mystery Smile, Aral
ミステリースマイル アラル
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/033PRISM-Miracle, Timor
PR♥ISM-M ティモール
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/034Heartful Yell, Fundy
ハートフルエール ファンディ
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/035PRISM-Miracle, Irish
PR♥ISM-M アイリッシュ
0Bermuda Triangle
EB06/S01Eternal Idol, Pacifica
エターナルアイドル パシフィカ
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/S02PRISM-Promise, Labrador
PR♥ISM-P ラブラドル
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/S03PRISM-Image, Belle
PR♥ISM-I ヴェール
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/S04Aurora Star, Coral
オーロラスター コーラル
3Bermuda Triangle
EB06/S05PRISM-Promise, Celt
PR♥ISM-P ケルト
2Bermuda Triangle
EB06/S06PRISM-Promise, Leyte
PR♥ISM-P レイテ
1Bermuda Triangle

Trial Decks
- Blaster Blade
- Brawler of Friendship
- Descendants of the Sea Emperor
- Dimensional Brave Kaiser
- Divine Judgment of the Bluish Flames
- Dragonic Overlord
- Eradicator of the Empire
- G: Awakening of the Interdimensional Dragon
- G: Blue Cavalry of the Divine Marine Spirits
- G: Divine Swordsman of the Shiny Star
- G: Fateful Star Messiah
- G: Flower Maiden of Purity
- Golden Mechanical Soldier
- Legend Deck The Dark
- Liberator of the Sanctuary
- Maiden Princess of the Cherry Blossoms
- Malefic Deletor
- Purgatory Revenger
- Resonance of Thunder Dragon
- Seeker of Hope
- Slash of Silver Wolf
- Star-vader Invasion
- Successor of the Sacred Regalia
- Will of the Locked Dragon
   Booster Packs
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- G Set 2: Soaring Ascent of Gale & Blossom
- G Set 3: Sovereign Star Dragon
- G Set 4: Soul Strike Against the Supreme
- Movie Set 1: Neon Messiah
- Set 10: Triumphant Return of the King of Knights
- Set 11: Seal Dragons Unleashed
- Set 12: Binding Force of the Black Rings
- Set 13: Catastrophic Outbreak
- Set 14: Brilliant Strike
- Set 15: Infinite Rebirth
- Set 16: Legion of Dragons & Blades
- Set 17: Blazing Perdition
- Set 1: Descent of the King of Knights
- Set 2: Onslaught of Dragon Souls
- Set 3: Invasion of the Demonic Marquis
- Set 4: Eclipse of the Hollow Shadow God
- Set 5: Awakening of Twin Blades
- Set 6: Breaker of Limits
- Set 7: Rampage of the Beast King
- Set 8: Blue Storm Armada
- Set 9: Clash of the Knights and Dragons
Extra Packs
- Banquet of Divas
- Cavalry of Black Steel
- Celestial Valkyries
- Champions of the Cosmos
- Comic Style Vol. 1
- Dazzling Divas
- Divas Duet
- Divine Dragon Progression
- Fighters Collection 2013
- Fighters Collection 2014
- Fighters Collection 2015
- G Clan Booster 1: Academy of Divas
- G Comic 1: Vanguard & Deletor
- G Extra 1: Cosmic Roar
- Infinite Phantom Legion
- Mystic Magus
- Requiem at Dusk
- Touken Ranbu Online
- Waltz of the Goddess
- Card Gamers Vol. 7 Gold Paladin Starter Set
- Cardfight!! Vanguard Zero Royal Paladin Starter Set
- Daigo Special Set
- Jan 2014 Monthly Bushiroad Vanguard Deck
- Kerokero Ace Flash Fight Starter Set
- Kerokero Ace Flash Fight Starter Set No. 2
- Kerokero Ace Vanguard Starter Set
- Promos (0001-0050)
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