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Skokie, IL - Gamers World Regional
Name: David Y.
First Place
Deck Name: Standby?? Ready!!
Love Live Sunshine
How was the regional? It was a lot of fun! It ran smoothly. Got to see some different decks I don't normally see.
How do you win with your deck? Early Play, Early Play, Burn, Burn.
Any shoutouts? Thanks to Dean and Tyler for bringing me along to this regional. Aubrey & Chris for helping me to playtest.
Name: Tom A.
Second Place
Deck Name: Compression FTW
Hina Logic
How was the regional? Pretty cool, I havent played in a JP tournament before so it was a nice change of pace.
How do you win with your deck? Failed to snag any climaxes with the level 3 Yuko, there were 4 cards. He then canceled myattack. Then I crashed with a level 0 and trigger for win.
Any shoutouts? All my opponents were awesome, I got to play someone that I havent before.