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Featured Decklists
Check out decks from all across the West, or post your own decklist so people can see how awesome you are! Check out featured selections chosen by HotC Staff and prominent North American players!
Featured Decks:
The Final Memories of Pizza Toppings Charlotte || Chris O "Excellent late-game defense from an unconventional set!" (chosen by McMasters, Head of Organized Play)
39's Glorious Thanksgiving Hatsune Miku Project DIVA || Kojiros "A really cool deck that I've been bouncing around with for quite a while, lots of different cool options and tech." (chosen by James O, Reviewer)
When Animals Attack... Little Busters! || XMycX "A Little Busters Animal Deck" (chosen by Antman, Tournament Organizer)
TF Alex Marco Deck Terraformars || Antman "A really strong level 1 field that's immune to A effects and can be bonded out combined with a killer game closer." (chosen by Dan, Reviewer)
Things Persona || Bob "BEARy interesting deck! The massive amount of events honors the WS Persona set fearlessly with a unique chara balance. I'd love to play against this!" (chosen by Svanvalk, Reviewer)