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WGP 2016 North American Regional Applications
Now Being Accepted! Deadline Aug 14th!

Hey, everyone, it's that time of year again!

We're looking for requests for Regional locations for the 2016 WeiB Schwarz WGP North American Tournament! Tournaments across North America will be used to select Regional Champions, who are given entry into the National Tournament! More details soon, but we just got the go-ahead to take in applications for events, and that is just what we are doing!

If your site is chosen, you'll receive promotional materials to hand out, full judging support (either onsite or via remote), and the top player(s) at your event will get invitations to the WGP Nationals!

Now, to help move things along, the application this year is more in-depth. Also, please follow instructions properly - being able to do so is vital to having an event in your area. Respond by August 14th - we will probably extend the deadline, but getting your application in early helps everyone (and gives you a shot at an early approval), so shoot for the 14th.

Note that you can still play in an event that you request, so no worries! You will need at least one person that doesn't play in the event to help out, but they don't need to be a WS veteran, just someone that can follow instructions and communicate effectively - a shop employee, for example.

After we get your application into the system, you'll receive one or two information request emails, for things like "what days do you have free for an event", or "send us a picture of your play area". Please respond promptly to these emails, as they are specifically done to help your area get an event.

Some disclaimers: Applying and/or receiving followup emails does not guarantee you an event, nor does it guarantee the number of spots you will receive. We will do the best we can. Do not "inflate" your expected turnout numbers to attempt to increase the number of spots you might get: large events do not necessarily get priority, and smaller events are often easier to get approval for. If you are requesting it for a specific store, and you aren't that store's owner, get permission first.


Okay, here we go. If you are:
- the official representative of a Physical Store, or
- a playgroup, with no available Physical Store in your area, do the following:

Email us at .
Use the Subject line "WS WGP 2016 Regional Request - CITY, STATE, STORE NAME OR PLAYGROUP NAME" (replace city, state, and name as appropriate)

Answer the questions below (best to copy the block below and just fill it in):

1: are you representing a store or playgroup?
2: what is the name of that store or playgroup?
3: your name
4: your email
5: your phone number
6: your address
7: have you run a WS WGP regional before? if so, when?
8: has anyone from your group/store attended Nationals before? if so, who?
9: if you personally would have cell/internet access during an event (to use our pairing server and communicate via phone/Skype for event/judge stuffs).
10: 100 words or less on why you should get an event.
11: Are you able to follow instructions and remain impartial?
12: The names and contact information of people that will be able to help at your event (even just one or two is great). Get their permission to list them here! If you plan on playing in the event yourself, make sure to include the name of the person that will be the "non-playing helper".
-- IF IT IS A STORE: (you have a store to play at) --
13: the store name
14: the store owner's/manager name
15: do you have the approval of the owner/manager to request this?
16: the store email
17: the store phone number
18: the store address
19: the store website
20: the average weekly WS players you get
21: the approximate number of players you would expect at a regional if you had one
22: the maximum number of players your store can handle at once (do not estimate! exact numbers only!)
-- IF IT IS A PLAYGROUP: (you don't have a store to play at) --
23: do you have a location to run an event that is open to the public? (such as a local college / community area)
24: the average weekly WS players you get
25: the approximate number of players you would expect at a regional if you had one
26: the maximum number of players your play area can handle at once

That's it! So, get the word out to all your WS friends online, and help us get those applications in! © 2011- Heart of the Cards. Intellectual Property Notice