Name: Yoomin Kim
2021 North American WS WGP Champion
Deck Name: Standby Cheat code
Quintessential Quintuplets
How was the regional? It feels amazing to win back to back nationals with the same series. Will be going for a 3peat next year hopefully with in person events.
How do you win with your deck? Standby out the 2/2 combo destroy opponents field and snowball. have the on play cx bouncer for extra power and potential soul. Put up massive fields at lv 2 and control damage with minus soul counter and play setup hand for finisher turn
Any shoutouts? Shoutout to Joey L once again this year for suggesting this deck idea. Shoutout to Yuwei P Ethan C Jesh K for playtesting with me. I want to thank all the people that believed in the back 2 back on the cards game discord.
Name: Luis Antonio Villamizar Castellanos
Nationals Runner-Up
Deck Name: "This is not a meme" maybe...
How was the regional? Was really funny, never expected to be here, i just need to try and have more fun with my deck like always
How do you win with your deck? i just try to search for the cards i need if i can with all my lvl 0, and to much luck in the cancels and no matter how bad my hand was i just try to have fun
Any shoutouts? meta is good but is better just have fun and enjoy your own create deck
Name: Ben Tsui
3rd Place
Deck Name: L-O-V-E Kasumin
Love Live Nijigasaki School Idol Club feat. School Idol Festival All Stars
How was the regional? Didn't expect to break into top 16, let alone top 4. The two days were fun as many of my opponents were very nice and chill.
How do you win with your deck? Board presence. Using standby to set up the wall, and use the 1/0 Ai to pump if needed. Your opponent should be hurting in hand size, stock size, or both, as they should be replenishing their front row every turn. Setsuna 3/2, and the 3/2 event helps at level 3 for that extra push across the finish line.
Any shoutouts? Shout out to everyone in our Calgary locals. Can't believe it's been 7+ years since we started the scene here. Thanks to all the YYC admins for always helping me out with the tournaments. Special thanks to Kevin N for giving me the crash course at the night before day 1 on the techs and counters for the popular decks in the current meta. Also shoutout to the talented people involved with the Nijigasaki project, as this was the series that rekindled Love Live for me.
Name: Kristy Kwoon
4th Place
Deck Name: The Notes of my Dream, My Symphony
Love Live Superstars
How was the regional? It was so much fun at Nationals this year. It is a shame it had to be online again but I got to meet lots of people I never spoken to before. Glad I could represent a show I love so much.
How do you win with your deck? Focus on having a strong level 0 game, getting plusses off Kanon and filtering hand using Sumire runner and stock bomb. Focus on trying to refresh deck at level 1 using Chisato combo and push damage early on. Use 1/0 Keke to help filter triggers as needed and power pump other cards. Set up for level 3 and use Sumire combo as well as the events for a galaxy-style finale.
Any shoutouts? I wouldn't be where I am without the Toronto community. I love all of them and can't thank them enough for always helping me out. Special shoutouts to Steve, Roy, John and Tyler for last minute practice, Brandon and Kevin for deckbuilding tips, Sajeev, Ryan and Kyle for always giving me advice, Vincent, Alfred and Joseph for always helping me get to locals, Liam, Wilmer and Josh for being the first people in the community to talk to me and James for always encouraging and supporting me as I strived to improve.