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Champaign, IL - Enchantment Alley Regional
Name: Nikolay Y.
First Place
Deck Name: "Symphogear's a good set" - People in 2019
How was the regional? Spooky. I got metagamed and someone figured out there would be standby and decided to bring an 8-wind deck. I'm a luckier player though.
How do you win with your deck? You turn cards sideways. Occasionally your opponent double triggers on their most important to not trigger and then you Moca effect them. Sometimes you triple cancel when you're uncompressed.
Any shoutouts? Shouts to the FTG Illiana community and Burn One. Burn One gave me a hoodie this one time so I guess that's cool.
Name: Kit K.
Second Place
Deck Name: You Know I Had to Do it to Em
How was the regional? Was a lot of fun.
How do you win with your deck? Play standby and then win board.
Any shoutouts? Shoutout to the Illiana group for being a great community to play with! Also shoutout to the youtube channel Burn One. Go subscribe to it. Thanks :^)