Name: Travis E.
Second Place
Deck Name: WTB Cowgirl PRs
Goblin Slayer
How was the regional? Regional was super fun. All my matches were super close and everyone was super friendly.
How do you win with your deck? Cheese out free reverses with the to-combat runner to kill of their board, GoboSlayer at level one and get free stock and maybe deny reverses from the Priestess assist, then never take damage again past level 2 because Priestess looping is fun~
Any shoutouts? Shout outs to those who traveled distances to get here, and shout out to the dude who randomly followed me on twitter to end up fighting me in Round 4. Great game btw~. Also shout outs to those who listened to me complaining for the past 3 months (: you won't hear me for a while now
Name: Carmen C.
Third Place
Deck Name: Highroll Pockets
Summer Pockets
How was the regional? I had a great experience! This was my first time traveling for (and competing in) a WGP event, as I mostly play exclusively ENG format. Card Academy put on an extremely well run event.
How do you win with your deck? The name of the game is running out as many 2/1 Shirohas as you can as early as possible. To do that, the list keeps the 0 lineup as lean as possible, with a high drop-searcher count. If you can manage to field at least 2 Shirohas at level 1 that stay unanswered cross-turn, you have a high chance of high-rolling away with the game. "Sleeping Over" Kamome is a godsend for the deck, as it makes getting your hands on the wind climax more consistent if you whiff on mulligan. Restander Ai isn't susceptible to backups and helps you manage soul for exact lethals at endgame.
Any shoutouts? Shoutout to all my people back in Pittsburgh at Heroes and Top Deck, as well as everyone I got games with today. Thanks for making my first JP event a great one to remember!
Name: Julian W.
Fourth Place
Deck Name: Your Rent is Past Due
How was the regional? It was really good.The turnout was about what I expected and my deck lined up well into my opponents.
How do you win with your deck? Generate a resource advantage with "Bunny Girl" Yunyun and "to an Even Higher Place" Megumin to setup an explosive endgame.
Any shoutouts? Shoutout to my roommate Nick who after 2 years finally played a game of WS again so I could get some playtesting done. P.S. I should prob be running at least 1 copy of the anti-change but was too lazy to figure out what i wanted to cut.