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Catskill, NY - Kirwan's Game Store Regional
Name: Andres H.
First Place
Deck Name: Rem is my doormat
Re: Zero
How was the regional? It was fun, well organized people were friendly. Will come back again next year
How do you win with your deck? early play rems. Milling through the deck. And "slamming reinhard."
Any shoutouts? Shout out to nam for driving me, and for teaching me how to play this deck.
Name: Alicia D.
Second Place
Deck Name: Chemical Plant Zone - Act 2
Puyo Puyo
How was the regional? Rounds began timely and the tournament went quick. I got to meet and play with new people, it was a lot of fun.
How do you win with your deck? Gather cards for one of two Lv.1 combos and use those to prepare for level three. Play three Arles, drop a 2 soul, and turn those Arles sideways.
Any shoutouts? Thanks to the HG crew for all of the games/testing/advice, and to Chris O. for help with deck name ideas.