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Hacienda Hght, CA - Hobby Shop Ichiban Regional
Name: Joon O.
First Place
Deck Name:
How was the regional? Pretty fun as usual with many weekly local players making it very lively.
How do you win with your deck? Use lots of utility cards to increase the consistency of my deck, which is only possible because I don't run this one card that people think that's really good for some reason (3/2 early play from PowerUp Set).
Any shoutouts? Shoutouts to Eric for pioneering this deck list and helping me construct it. Also thanks to Neel for helping me playtest. He lost to me last round but got bumped down to 3rd =(.
Name: Jason Hayato H.
Second Place
Deck Name: Guilty Pleasure
To Love-Ru Darkness
How was the regional? It was definitely fun. Felt the pressure the further I got into the tournament. But GG's to all competitors.
How do you win with your deck? Run around at lv. 0, hope to reverse at lv. 1, and hope to kill with Yami. Oh, and if that doesn't work, Darkness Plan will cover.
Any shoutouts? Mad respect to all competitors at the event. Also, much love to all the It's Game Time! crew! Thanks Neel.