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Santa Clara, CA - Game Kastle Regional
Name: Arin R.
First Place
Deck Name: Angels and Pringles
The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls
How was the regional? It was great! I was not expecting to go X-0 at all. I did a lot of playtesting so I was pretty confident but they were all great matches. Yami is still terrifying...
How do you win with your deck? I try to rack up as much stock at level 0 as I can while still making sure my opponent can't reverse me to plus at level 1. Set up my Ranko changers at level 1 with precise milling. Early drop Rins and swing 6 times for game. GG
Any shoutouts? Shoutout to Peter R. for helping me playtest so often and for helping me get my deck list together. Also shoutout to Felix.
Name: Rex L.
Second Place
Deck Name: IMC
Idolmaster Cinderella Girls
How was the regional? Pretty good.
How do you win with your deck? I orginally used the same deck to top in Hong Kong Sprinfest, so I had a really good idea on how my deck works, and how to play against current match ups. Of course, there was also a but of luck involved, but I'd say I did pretty well today
Any shoutouts? Shoutout to all my friends in Hong Kong who helped me become the player that I am today.
Name: ERIC L.
Third Place
Deck Name: 体が準備、財布が泣く
Any shoutouts? "Do a shout of to me in your interview" - Kit K., Discord 10/01/2016
Name: Nathan N.
Fourth Place
Deck Name: Ian, I Believe in You
Prisma Illya
How was the regional? It was playing against the bay area community, because most people know each other. Ian was the best.
How do you win with your deck? I win with my deck by being RNGesus. I found myself in bad situations many times but still stuck damage through anyways for the win. I also believed in my friend Ian a lot by praying to RNGesus.