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Kenshin Himura, Lightning Speed Blade Drawing Technique |
Name Pronounciation |
神速の抜刀術 緋村剣心
シンソクノバットウジュツ ヒムラケンシン |
Card No.: | RKN/S115-043SP | Rarity: | SP |
Color: | Red | Side: | Schwarz |
Type: | Character | Level: | 3 |
Power: | 9000 | Cost: | 2 |
Soul: | 2 | Triggers: | Soul |
Traits: | 明治剣客浪漫譚 (Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story), 剣客 (Swordsman) |
Original Card Text |
【永】 他のあなたの《明治剣客浪漫譚》のキャラが2枚以上なら、このカードのパワーを+1000。 【自】 このカードが手札から舞台に置かれた時、あなたは自分のクロックの上から1枚を、控え室に置いてよい。 【自】【CXコンボ】 共鳴 [(2) 手札の《明治剣客浪漫譚》のキャラを1枚控え室に置き、手札の「人斬り抜刀斎 緋村剣心」を2枚公開する] このカードがアタックした時、CX置場に「揺るがない信念」があり、他のあなたの《明治剣客浪漫譚》のキャラが2枚以上なら、あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、相手に2ダメージを2回与える。(ダメージキャンセルは発生する) |
Original Flavor Text |
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English Card Text |
[C] If you have 2 or more other ::Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story:: Characters, this gains +1000 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] CX COMBO RESONANCE [(2) Discard a ::Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story:: Character from your hand to the Waiting Room, reveal 2 "Kenshin Himura, Hitokiri Battousai" from your hand] When this attacks, if "Unshakeable Determination" is in the CX Zone and you have 2 or more other ::Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story:: Characters, you may pay cost. If so, deal 2 Damage to your Opponent twice. (Damage Cancel can occur) |
English Flavor Text |
--None-- | Reference Card > |
Card # | Name (click for details) | Type | Color |
RKN/S115-001 | Tsubame Sanjo, Mascot Girl of Akabeko 赤べこの看板娘 三条 燕 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-001OFR | Tsubame Sanjo, Mascot Girl of Akabeko 赤べこの看板娘 三条 燕 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-001SP | Tsubame Sanjo, Mascot Girl of Akabeko 赤べこの看板娘 三条 燕 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-002 | Yahiko Myojin, Full-Strength Attack With Feelings 想いを乗せた渾身の一撃 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-002OFR | Yahiko Myojin, Full-Strength Attack With Feelings 想いを乗せた渾身の一撃 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-002SP | Yahiko Myojin, Full-Strength Attack With Feelings 想いを乗せた渾身の一撃 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-003 | Megumi Takani, Beautiful Female Doctor 麗しき女医 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-003OFR | Megumi Takani, Beautiful Female Doctor 麗しき女医 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-003SP | Megumi Takani, Beautiful Female Doctor 麗しき女医 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-004 | Sanosuke Sagara, "Evil Character" Written on His Back 背中に刻む“悪一文字” 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-004OFR | Sanosuke Sagara, "Evil Character" Written on His Back 背中に刻む“悪一文字” 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-004SP | Sanosuke Sagara, "Evil Character" Written on His Back 背中に刻む“悪一文字” 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-005 | Yahiko Myojin, In Order to Become Stronger 強くなるために 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-005S | Yahiko Myojin, In Order to Become Stronger 強くなるために 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-006 | Sanosuke Sagara, Seeking Strong Opponent 強い奴を求めて 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-006S | Sanosuke Sagara, Seeking Strong Opponent 強い奴を求めて 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-007 | Kenshin Himura, End of Helping 人助けの終わりに 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-007S | Kenshin Himura, End of Helping 人助けの終わりに 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-008 | Sanosuke Sagara, Belief of a Man 漢の信念 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-008S | Sanosuke Sagara, Belief of a Man 漢の信念 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-009 | Tsubame Sanjo, Shy Girl 内気な少女 三条 燕 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-009S | Tsubame Sanjo, Shy Girl 内気な少女 三条 燕 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-010 | Sanosuke Sagara & Yahiko Myojin, Uneven Partners 凸凹コンビ 相楽左之助&明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-010S | Sanosuke Sagara & Yahiko Myojin, Uneven Partners 凸凹コンビ 相楽左之助&明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-011 | Megumi Takani, Beautiful Woman Full of Mysteries 謎多き美女 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-011S | Megumi Takani, Beautiful Woman Full of Mysteries 謎多き美女 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-012 | Kenshin Himura, Gentle Sunlight 暖かな日差し 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-012S | Kenshin Himura, Gentle Sunlight 暖かな日差し 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-013 | Sanosuke Sagara, Wielder of the Zanbato 斬馬刀の使い手 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-013S | Sanosuke Sagara, Wielder of the Zanbato 斬馬刀の使い手 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-014 | Kenshin Himura, Legendary Swordsman 伝説の剣客 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-014S | Kenshin Himura, Legendary Swordsman 伝説の剣客 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-015 | Sanosuke Sagara, Easy Win? 楽勝? 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-015S | Sanosuke Sagara, Easy Win? 楽勝? 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-016 | Kenshin Hiura, Cross-Shaped Scar on His Cheek 頬に刻まれた十字傷 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-016S | Kenshin Hiura, Cross-Shaped Scar on His Cheek 頬に刻まれた十字傷 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-017 | Kaoru Kamiya, Uneasy Scene 不穏な光景 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-017S | Kaoru Kamiya, Uneasy Scene 不穏な光景 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-018 | Sanosuke Sagara, Brawler 喧嘩屋 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-018S | Sanosuke Sagara, Brawler 喧嘩屋 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-019 | Yutaro Tsukayama, Good Swordsmanship Rival 剣の道での好敵手 塚山由太郎 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-019S | Yutaro Tsukayama, Good Swordsmanship Rival 剣の道での好敵手 塚山由太郎 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-020 | Kaoru Kamiya, Instructing Students 門下生の指導 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-020S | Kaoru Kamiya, Instructing Students 門下生の指導 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-021 | Tsunan Tsukioka, Great Wish That He Doesn't Want to Give Up 諦めきれぬ大願 月岡津南 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-021S | Tsunan Tsukioka, Great Wish That He Doesn't Want to Give Up 諦めきれぬ大願 月岡津南 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-022 | Megumi Takani, Escaped Pretty Lady 逃走麗女 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-022S | Megumi Takani, Escaped Pretty Lady 逃走麗女 高荷 恵 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-023 | Yutaro Tsukayama, Cheeky Pupil 生意気な弟子 塚山由太郎 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-023S | Yutaro Tsukayama, Cheeky Pupil 生意気な弟子 塚山由太郎 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-024 | Kaoru Kamiya, Friendly お人好し 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-024S | Kaoru Kamiya, Friendly お人好し 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-025 | Tsunan Tsukioka, Ten-Year Hatred Fused Imbued into Bomb 十年の遺恨詰め込む炸裂弾 月岡津南 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-025S | Tsunan Tsukioka, Ten-Year Hatred Fused Imbued into Bomb 十年の遺恨詰め込む炸裂弾 月岡津南 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-026 | Yahiko Myojin, High Pride 高き志 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-026S | Yahiko Myojin, High Pride 高き志 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-027 | Sanosuke Sagara, Brimming With Anger 溢れ出す怒り 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-027S | Sanosuke Sagara, Brimming With Anger 溢れ出す怒り 相楽左之助 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-028 | Kenshin Himura, Difficult Enemy 一筋縄ではいかない強敵 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-028S | Kenshin Himura, Difficult Enemy 一筋縄ではいかない強敵 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-029 | Kaoru Kamiya, Guiding People 人を導く 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-029S | Kaoru Kamiya, Guiding People 人を導く 神谷 薫 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-030 | Yahiko Myojin, Pride of Samurai Descendent Being Trashed 踏みにじられた士族の誇り 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-030S | Yahiko Myojin, Pride of Samurai Descendent Being Trashed 踏みにじられた士族の誇り 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-031 | Yahiko Myojin, Good Swordsmanship Rival 剣の道での好敵手 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-031S | Yahiko Myojin, Good Swordsmanship Rival 剣の道での好敵手 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-032 | Yahiko Myojin, Help the Weak and Fight the Strong 弱き者を助け強き者を挫く 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-032S | Yahiko Myojin, Help the Weak and Fight the Strong 弱き者を助け強き者を挫く 明神弥彦 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-033 | Kenshin Himura, Looking at You Through the Crimson Leaf Dance 紅葉舞う中あなたを見つける 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-033S | Kenshin Himura, Looking at You Through the Crimson Leaf Dance 紅葉舞う中あなたを見つける 緋村剣心 | Chara | Yellow |
RKN/S115-034 | Memories of the Young "Sekihotai" 幼き日の“赤報隊”での思い出 | Event | Yellow |
RKN/S115-034S | Memories of the Young "Sekihotai" 幼き日の“赤報隊”での思い出 | Event | Yellow |
RKN/S115-035 | Signal of Revolution 革命の狼煙 | Event | Yellow |
RKN/S115-035S | Signal of Revolution 革命の狼煙 | Event | Yellow |
RKN/S115-036 | Fists of Justice 正義の拳 | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-036R | Fists of Justice 正義の拳 | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-037 | Strong Enough to Protect Properly 守りきれる強さを | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-037R | Strong Enough to Protect Properly 守りきれる強さを | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-038 | Full-Powered Special Move 渾身の大技 | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-038R | Full-Powered Special Move 渾身の大技 | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-039 | What Rides on My Blade 己が剣に背負うもの | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-039R | What Rides on My Blade 己が剣に背負うもの | Climax | Yellow |
RKN/S115-040 | Kenshin Himura, Hitokiri Battousai 人斬り抜刀斎 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-040SEC | Kenshin Himura, Hitokiri Battousai 人斬り抜刀斎 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-041 | Kaoru Kamiya, Words of Farewell, Overflowing Tears 別れの言葉、溢れ出る涙 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-041OFR | Kaoru Kamiya, Words of Farewell, Overflowing Tears 別れの言葉、溢れ出る涙 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-041SP | Kaoru Kamiya, Words of Farewell, Overflowing Tears 別れの言葉、溢れ出る涙 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-042 | Kenshin Himura & Kaori Kamiya, Lovely Daily Life with Cherry Petals Flying 桜舞い散る愛おしき日常 緋村剣心&神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-042SEC | Kenshin Himura & Kaori Kamiya, Lovely Daily Life with Cherry Petals Flying 桜舞い散る愛おしき日常 緋村剣心&神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-043 | Kenshin Himura, Lightning Speed Blade Drawing Technique 神速の抜刀術 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-043OFR | Kenshin Himura, Lightning Speed Blade Drawing Technique 神速の抜刀術 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-043SP | Kenshin Himura, Lightning Speed Blade Drawing Technique 神速の抜刀術 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-044 | Surprised Kenshin Himura 驚く緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-044S | Surprised Kenshin Himura 驚く緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-045 | Yahiko Myojin, Mind of Justice Deep Inside 内に秘めた正義感 明神弥彦 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-045S | Yahiko Myojin, Mind of Justice Deep Inside 内に秘めた正義感 明神弥彦 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-046 | Kaoru Kamiya, Sudden Declaration of War 突然の宣戦布告 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-046S | Kaoru Kamiya, Sudden Declaration of War 突然の宣戦布告 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-047 | Kenshin Himura, Belief of No-Kill 不殺の信念 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-047S | Kenshin Himura, Belief of No-Kill 不殺の信念 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-048 | Yahiko Myojin, Samurai Descendant of Tokyo Prefecture 東京府士族 明神弥彦 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-048S | Yahiko Myojin, Samurai Descendant of Tokyo Prefecture 東京府士族 明神弥彦 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-049 | Kaoru Kamiya, Swordsmanship Girl 剣術小町 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-049S | Kaoru Kamiya, Swordsmanship Girl 剣術小町 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-050 | Kenshin Himura, User of "Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu" “飛天御剣流”の使い手 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-050S | Kenshin Himura, User of "Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu" “飛天御剣流”の使い手 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-051 | Kenshin Himura, Past Recalled 呼び起こされる過去 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-051S | Kenshin Himura, Past Recalled 呼び起こされる過去 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-052 | Kaoru Kamiya, Captured 囚われの身 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-052S | Kaoru Kamiya, Captured 囚われの身 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-053 | Kenshin, Kind Wanderer 心優しき流浪人 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-053S | Kenshin, Kind Wanderer 心優しき流浪人 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-054 | Kenshin Himura, Protect Without Killing 不殺して守りきる 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-054S | Kenshin Himura, Protect Without Killing 不殺して守りきる 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-055 | Kaoru Kamiya, Seeking to Be "Sword that Give Life" “活人剣”を志す者 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-055S | Kaoru Kamiya, Seeking to Be "Sword that Give Life" “活人剣”を志す者 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-056 | Yahiko Myojin, Student of "Kamiya Kasshin-ryu" “神谷活心流”門下生 明神弥彦 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-056S | Yahiko Myojin, Student of "Kamiya Kasshin-ryu" “神谷活心流”門下生 明神弥彦 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-057 | Kaoru Kamiya, Looking at You Through the Crimson Leaf Dance 紅葉舞う中あなたを見つめる 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-057S | Kaoru Kamiya, Looking at You Through the Crimson Leaf Dance 紅葉舞う中あなたを見つめる 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-058 | Kenshin Himura, Feeling Alive 蘇る気がかり 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-058S | Kenshin Himura, Feeling Alive 蘇る気がかり 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-059 | Sanosuke Sagara, "Sekihotai" Survivor “赤報隊”の生き残り 相楽左之助 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-059S | Sanosuke Sagara, "Sekihotai" Survivor “赤報隊”の生き残り 相楽左之助 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-060 | Sanosuke Sagara, Unyielding Fighting Spirit 不屈の闘志 相楽左之助 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-060S | Sanosuke Sagara, Unyielding Fighting Spirit 不屈の闘志 相楽左之助 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-061 | Kaoru Kamiya, Embarrassed Face 照れ顔 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-061S | Kaoru Kamiya, Embarrassed Face 照れ顔 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-062 | Sanosuke Sagara, The Strong Brimming with Fighting Will 闘志溢れる猛者 相楽左之助 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-062S | Sanosuke Sagara, The Strong Brimming with Fighting Will 闘志溢れる猛者 相楽左之助 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-063 | Kaoru Kamiya, Unavoidable Battle 止められない闘い 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-063S | Kaoru Kamiya, Unavoidable Battle 止められない闘い 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-064 | Kenshin Himura, Back to the Blazing Flame 爆炎背にして立つ者 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-064S | Kenshin Himura, Back to the Blazing Flame 爆炎背にして立つ者 緋村剣心 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-065 | Kaoru Kamiya, Hair Waving in the Autumn Wind 秋風になびく髪 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-065S | Kaoru Kamiya, Hair Waving in the Autumn Wind 秋風になびく髪 神谷 薫 | Chara | Red |
RKN/S115-066 | Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 明治剣客浪漫譚 | Event | Red |
RKN/S115-066S | Meiji Swordsman Romantic Story 明治剣客浪漫譚 | Event | Red |
RKN/S115-067 | Attack of the Strong Enemies 強敵達の襲来 | Event | Red |
RKN/S115-067S | Attack of the Strong Enemies 強敵達の襲来 | Event | Red |
RKN/S115-068 | Cloud of Flowers Foretelling Spring 春を告げる花の雲 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-068R | Cloud of Flowers Foretelling Spring 春を告げる花の雲 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-069a | Unshakeable Determination 揺るがない信念 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-069b | Unshakeable Determination 揺るがない信念 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-069OFRa | Unshakeable Determination 揺るがない信念 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-069OFRb | Unshakeable Determination 揺るがない信念 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-070 | Training Under the Cherry Tree 桜の下での稽古 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-070R | Training Under the Cherry Tree 桜の下での稽古 | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-071 | "Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu" “飛天御剣流” | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-071OFR | "Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu" “飛天御剣流” | Climax | Red |
RKN/S115-072 | "Gatotsu" Hajime Saito “牙突” 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-072OFR | "Gatotsu" Hajime Saito “牙突” 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-072SP | "Gatotsu" Hajime Saito “牙突” 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-073 | "Kaiten Kenbu" Aoshi Shinomori “回天剣舞” 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-073OFR | "Kaiten Kenbu" Aoshi Shinomori “回天剣舞” 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-073SP | "Kaiten Kenbu" Aoshi Shinomori “回天剣舞” 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-074 | Hajime Saito, Long Wolf of Mibu 壬生の狼 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-074S | Hajime Saito, Long Wolf of Mibu 壬生の狼 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-075 | Aoshi Shinomori, Blowing Passion 燻ぶる激情 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-075S | Aoshi Shinomori, Blowing Passion 燻ぶる激情 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-076 | Aoshi Shinomori, Genius Onmitsu 天才隠密 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-076S | Aoshi Shinomori, Genius Onmitsu 天才隠密 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-077 | Hajime Saito, Spy Agent of the Government 政府直属の密偵 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-077S | Hajime Saito, Spy Agent of the Government 政府直属の密偵 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-078 | Aoshi Shinomori, Shura Shinobi 修羅の忍び 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-078S | Aoshi Shinomori, Shura Shinobi 修羅の忍び 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-079 | Hajime Saito, Leader of Third Unit of Shinsengumi 新撰組三番隊組長 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-079S | Hajime Saito, Leader of Third Unit of Shinsengumi 新撰組三番隊組長 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-080 | Beshimi, Oniwabanshu Onmitsu 御庭番衆 隠密 癋見 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-080S | Beshimi, Oniwabanshu Onmitsu 御庭番衆 隠密 癋見 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-081 | Hyottoko, Oniwabanshu Flame User 御庭番衆の火術使い 火男 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-081S | Hyottoko, Oniwabanshu Flame User 御庭番衆の火術使い 火男 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-082 | Shikijo, Oniwabanshu Security Detail 御庭番衆警護担当 式尉 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-082S | Shikijo, Oniwabanshu Security Detail 御庭番衆警護担当 式尉 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-083 | Hajime Saito, Fake Identity 偽りの姿 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-083S | Hajime Saito, Fake Identity 偽りの姿 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-084 | Han'nya, Oniwabanshu Scout 御庭番衆密偵方 般若 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-084S | Han'nya, Oniwabanshu Scout 御庭番衆密偵方 般若 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-085 | Isurugi Raijuta, Hidden Sword Technique "Tobi Izuna" 秘剣『飛飯綱』 石動雷十太 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-085OFR | Isurugi Raijuta, Hidden Sword Technique "Tobi Izuna" 秘剣『飛飯綱』 石動雷十太 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-086 | Aoshi Shinomori, Former Onmitsu Directly Reporting to Shogun 元・将軍直属の隠密 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-086S | Aoshi Shinomori, Former Onmitsu Directly Reporting to Shogun 元・将軍直属の隠密 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-087 | Aoshi Shinomori, Until I Could Offer Strongest at the Grave 最強を墓前に添えるまで 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-087S | Aoshi Shinomori, Until I Could Offer Strongest at the Grave 最強を墓前に添えるまで 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-088 | Hajime Saito, Blade Reflecting Moonlight 月光に照らされし刃 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-088S | Hajime Saito, Blade Reflecting Moonlight 月光に照らされし刃 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-089 | Aoshi Shinomori, Lost Underlings 失った部下 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-089S | Aoshi Shinomori, Lost Underlings 失った部下 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-090 | Hajime Saito, Prevented Combat 制止された闘い 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-090S | Hajime Saito, Prevented Combat 制止された闘い 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-091 | Hajime Saito, Can't See Through His True Intentions 底の見えぬ真意 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-091S | Hajime Saito, Can't See Through His True Intentions 底の見えぬ真意 斎藤 一 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-092 | Kanryu Takeda, Ace in His Sleeves Unleashing Killing Bullets 凶弾放つ愛しの奥の手 武田観柳 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-092OFR | Kanryu Takeda, Ace in His Sleeves Unleashing Killing Bullets 凶弾放つ愛しの奥の手 武田観柳 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-093 | Aoshi Shinomiya, Investigation Order 調査命令 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-093S | Aoshi Shinomiya, Investigation Order 調査命令 四乃森蒼紫 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-094 | Souji Okita, Leader of First Unit of Shinsengumi 新撰組一番隊組長 沖田総司 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-094S | Souji Okita, Leader of First Unit of Shinsengumi 新撰組一番隊組長 沖田総司 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-095 | Isurugi Raijuta, Master of "Shinko-Ryu" “真古流”師範 石動雷十太 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-095S | Isurugi Raijuta, Master of "Shinko-Ryu" “真古流”師範 石動雷十太 | Chara | Blue |
RKN/S115-096 | Strongest Onmitsu Group 最強の隠密集団 | Event | Blue |
RKN/S115-096S | Strongest Onmitsu Group 最強の隠密集団 | Event | Blue |
RKN/S115-097 | Swift Death to Evil 悪・即・斬 | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-097OFR | Swift Death to Evil 悪・即・斬 | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-098 | The Real Head of Oniwabanshu 御庭番衆御頭の真髄 | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-098R | The Real Head of Oniwabanshu 御庭番衆御頭の真髄 | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-099 | Ryusui no Ugoki 流水の動き | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-099R | Ryusui no Ugoki 流水の動き | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-100 | Wolf Showing His Teeth 牙を剥く狼 | Climax | Blue |
RKN/S115-100R | Wolf Showing His Teeth 牙を剥く狼 | Climax | Blue |