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Set EX12 Translations:

[On Entry] If there are 0 cards in your hand, draw 3 cards. If you have no other members standing by, ::Entry:: the top card of your deck. If you have 0 cards in Live, you may ::Live:: with this member.

[On Entry] Until the end of your next turn, you may not ::Live:: with this member. (Perform [RUSH] after [On Entry].)
[When Participating in a Live] If another member of "Aqours" is at this Live, +[BLUE].

[On Entry] If you have a member standiny by with [LIVE], you may choose 1 of them and this card and ::LIVE:: with them.
[When Participating in a Live] If a Kanan with [LIVE] is at this Live, +[ALL].

[When Participating in a Live] If all members at this Live are members of "Aqours", +[BLUE].
[When Participating in a Live] If participating in a Live of a music card with "Aqours" in its skill text, +[ALL].

[On Entry] You may choose 1 of your other members standying by with no outfits and return it to hand. If so, draw 2 cards. Afterward, you may ::Entry:: a member with an outfit that has the same name as the member returned to your hand.

[On Entry] You may put 1 of your other members standing by face-down on the bottom of your deck. If so, draw 3 cards.
[When Participating in a Live] If there are 3 or more cards in your hand, +[BLUE].

[On Entry] If ::Entry:: via [RUSH], ::Entry:: the top card of your deck.
[When Participating in a Live] If you have 2 or more music cards currently in Live, +[RED]. (Do not count the Live that this member is at.)

[When Participating in a Live] If a member with [RED], another member with [GREEN], a different member with [BLUE], and yet another member with [ALL] are all at this Live, +[ALL]. (You must have one of each, but may count this member as one of the conditions for this effect.)

[On Entry] Reveal either the top or bottom card of your deck. If it has at least 1 Star, ::Entry:: it. If not, add it to your hand and draw a card.

[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "Chika", you may ::Entry:: a member with no Star from your hand. If you performed ::Scout:: during your previous turn, you may additionally ::Entry:: a member from your hand.

[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "Riko", draw 2 cards. If you had the previous turn, draw 2 additional cards.

[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "Kanan", draw 3 cards.
[When Participating in a Live] If there are 5 or more members are this Live, +[ALL].

[When Participating in a Live] If all members on your stage are "Dia" and there are 2 or more cards in your hand, +[BLUE][BLUE].

[On Entry] Draw until the number of cards in your hand is equal to the number of different outfits between "You" on your stage.
[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "You", you may ::Entry:: a "You" with no Star that has a different outfit than all those members.

[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "Yoshiko", perform "If there are 6 or more members on your stage, draw 2 cards", "If there are 6 or more cards in your hand, you may ::Entry:: a member with no Stars from your hand", and "If you have 6 or more Live Points, you may ::Live:: with this member".

[When Participating in a Live] If all members on your stage are "Hanamaru", you may return 1 of your members standying by that isn't going to participate at this Live to your hand. If so, +[RED][RED].

[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "Mari", you may put a card face-down on the bottom of your deck. If so, from your collection, you may add a "Mari" that has all [ALL] into your hand.
(The card you add can have any number of [ALL], but cannot innately have any other icons.)

[On Entry] If all members on your stage are "Ruby", you may from your hand put a card on top of your deck face-down and another card on bottom of your deck face-down. If so, ::Entry:: the top card of your deck. © 2011-current Heart of the Cards. Intellectual Property Notice