- full HotC Hololive Official Card Game site coming soon -
Temporary info for Launch parties / new players

Where to Buy

Featured Stores (Stores with preorders and scheduled JP events)
Sep 20 2024

Hammergirl Anime
Nova TCG
GoBack Gaming
Waifu and Company
Oblivion Collectibles
more coming soon!

Shipments are still continuing to arrive throughout weekend and next week - if they are out, check back with your favorite store later to see if they have more!

How to Play

Info Video (with subtitles)
Sep 20 2024

Quick Manual
Sep 20 2024


50 card deck (non-Oshi, non Yell cards, max 4 of any 1 card - this is the "deck" you draw/search from) + 20 card
Cheer deck (Yell cards) + 1 Oshi card + 1 six-sided die
- Oshi face down in Oshi Position (Oshi Position is not considered "on Stage")
- Shuffle deck, shuffle Cheer deck
- RPS, winner chooses who goes first
First Player:
- Draw 7
- May return hand to deck, shuffle, and draw 7
- If at this point you do not have a Debut Holomem: show hand to opponent, shuffle back into deck, redraw but draw 1 less. If you still do not, repeat. (provisionally, if you go to 0 cards at this point, game loss)
- Place Debut Holomem in "Center"
- May place other Debut/Spot Holomem facedown in "Back" . Max 1 non-Oshi Holomem in Center, max 6 non-Oshi Holomem total amongst Center and Back in total. Tutorial Video (with subtitles)
- Move cards from Cheer Deck into Life facedown equal to Oshi Life
Second Player:
- perform First Player steps

Game begins with First Player taking turn, then back and forth until someone wins

Win Conditions:

- Opponent hss 0 or less Life (normally due to Down-ing Opponent Holomem)
- Opponent has no non-Oshi Holomem on Stage
- Opponent has no cards in deck and they attempt to draw on their Hand Step

Turn Steps

Reset Step
- Set all your On Break (horizontal) Holomem to Active (vertical)
- Move Collab Holomem to Back Position. If they moved to Back Position, set them to On Break
- If your Center position is empty, choose an Active Back Position Holomem and move them to Center. If you have no Active Holomem, choose an On Break Back Position Holomem instead

Hand Step
- Draw a card

Cheer Step
- Reveal the top card of your Cheer Deck and give it to a Holomem on Stage

Main Step
Do any of the 6 actions below in any order as much as you want.
- Place a Debut or Spot Holomem from hand to Back Position
- Bloom: Place a Holomem on top of another Holomem with the same name. New Holomem inherits damage and status. Perform on-Bloom Effect if any. Restrictions: Cannot perform on the first turn. Cannot perform with Spot Holomem (target or new). Of the sequence Debut->1st->2nd, must be same or one step later in sequence. Cannot perform on Holomem that was placed on Stage in that turn. Cannot place a Holomem onto a Holomem with Damage equal to or greater than new Holomen HP.
- Collab: Move Active Back Position Holomem into empty Collab Spot. Place top card of deck face down in Holopower Area. Perform On-Collab Effect, if any.
- Use Oshi Skill or SP Oshi Skill. Archive (discard) Holopower cards equal to cost of Skill and perform skill. (note that some Oshi Skills can be used at other times)
- Play a Support Card. Choose a Support card from hand, perform its text and Archive it. Only 1 Limited card can be used per turn. First Player may not play Limited cards on their first turn.
- Baton Pass. Archive a number of Cheer cards on your Center Holomem equal to their Baton Pass value, choose an Active Back Position Holomem, and swap them. You may use this Main Step action only once per turn (note that many other abilities and Support cards will allow you to change positions in various ways other than just this particular Main Step action)

Performance Step
First Player skips this their first turn.
Collab and Center Position may do Performance once per Performance Step. Both can be done on same turn, in any order.
To Perform:
- Choose Arts. Must have enough Cheer on them to meet Arts cost to choose. Null (X) may be met with any Cheer, other colors require that specific color.
- Choose target: Opponent's Center or Collab Position.
- Place damage equal to number value. Some Arts have bonus due to color of target Holomem. Some Arts have additional effects.
- If damage on Holomem is equal to or greater than HP, Holomem is Down-ed. See "Down-ed Holomem" for effects.
- When no more Arts can or are chosen to be performed, move to End Step.

End Step
- "During this Turn" effects end.
- If you do not have a Center Position Holomem, perform Reset Step part 3 ("choose an Active Back Position..") at this time.
- Opposing Player begins turn.

Other Rules / Information

Down-ed Holomem / Life Loss:
- Archive Holomem and all cards on them.
- Lose 1 Life: Reveal 1 card from Life and give it to a Holomem on Stage. (more than 1 Life may be lost due to effect

Overview of First Turn Restrictions:

First Player: Bloom, Limited, Performance
Second Player: Bloom

Answers to common rule questions:
- No cards in deck, can't collab. adding 1 to holopower is a "cost" of collabing.
- Damage reduction is done separately to arts text and arts damage. If you have a -50 damage reduction ability, and take damage from an Arts that does 40 and the text of that art does 30, you can either zero out the 40 or the 30, not both. (note that "if X +30 to damage" text changes the arts damage itself, and is different than "if X do 30 damage").
- "Recover when damaged" ability happens after damage. if downed by damage, recover doesn't work. example: 60 HP, do 70, "when damaged recover 20": member is downed.
- Generally regarding damage: "-suru" damage effects are replacement (when taking damage), "-shita" (after take damage) happen after.
- Ability of arts text is before damage is applied.
- No hand limit.
- multiple abilities going at once, Holomems downed by an ability are downed before next ability resolves.
- Lifeloss comes from most recently placed life - it is not chosen.
- Looking at holopower does not change their order. adding one adds to the top. (similar to WS stock)
- Paying holopower is newest first. (similar to WS stock)
- Support cards when played go to the resolution zone and then archive when done. (like WS events)
- "ใงใใ‚‹" (dekiru) is the new "may".
- You can bloom into the exact same card. (SorAZ into exact same SorAZ for example)
- Multi color cards are all their single colors at once. a white and green card is, for rule processing, "a white card" and "a green card". it is not "a white-green card".
- Cards under holomems are not orders, mixem as you see fit
- Oshi does not count toward any holomem count (for each holomen, blah blah)
- if the same ability downs 2 holomem, down 1 (all to archive), down 2, then process the 2 downs: life to a holomem, life to a holomem.
- Life is lost 1 at a time: if a buzz is downed, you reveal 1 place 1 reveal 1 place 1, not reveal 2 place 2.
- Extra text re: life loss replaces life loss. so a buzz that has "-2 life when downed" means lose 2 life, not 2+usual 1. - Damage reduction works against arts damage and special damage (effect damage). - Oshi is once per turn. sp is once per game. both can be used on same turn. - Players can tie if they both lose their last life on the same ability. - Centers and collab have state. Rested holomems moved to center retain that state. Rested Centers cannot use Arts or Baton Pass.
- Collab cannot baton pass.
- Baton pass holomems must both be active. Both the center and back need to be both active to baton pass.
- max one baton pass per turn.
- max one collab per turn.
- if cheer deck empty, no cheer sent during cheer step.
- must attach cheer revealed during cheer step, cannot archive
- you may use oshi powers for no effect (example, start deck sora, pay 1 to moove a cheer when no cheer on stage) holomem moved by ability text retain their state
- attachment supports that require to be on certain names, if name is lost, are archived. (bloom sd01-013 SorAZ into BP01=023 with BP01-124 attached)
- cards with multiple names have all those names separately. a card that gives A if X is center, and B if Y is center, and you have extra text that says you have names X and Y, then you get A and B.
- costs that archive without saying from where mean from stage.
- failed support cards (roll a die to get 2+ and you rolled 1) still count as successfully played for abilities that look for that
- If an ability grants extra life loss, and damage states that life is not loss from getting downed, extra life loss still applies, and that extra life is lost (i.e. jet black wings still gets you)
- supports that count as cheer when attached cannot be used as payment for costs that require you to archive a cheer.

Comp manual important bits while we work on the site:
4 Lose conditions:
- Mulligan with 1 card in hand (as you would be left with 0)
- No cards in life area
- No holomem on stage
- Drawing from empty deck during own turn's hand step

Any number can go to negative (unless an upper/lower limit is enforced) If something causes both players to do something, non-choosing effects happen simultaneously for both players. Things that require choosing go turn -> non-turn player. If both players are choosing from a hidden zone, turn player before non-turn player, and then (if necessary) the chosen cards are revealed at the same time.
2.4.4 Checking for the same color = checking for "sharing a color" Unlimited copy = replacement continuous ability -2 life when downed = replacement of life damage
4.4.7 If a holomem is moved from stage to non-stage, only the top holomem card goes to the new zone; rest are archived
5.14 If told to "return to Debut Holomem":
5.14.1 Only do so if bottom card is Bloom level Debut + top card isn't Bloom level debut.
5.14.2 HP damage on that holomem is set to 0.
5.14.3 Choose any Bloom level Debut holomem among that stack, and bounce all other holomem / non-Yell cards [Yell cards stay, mascots/etc are bounced] to hand Tool itself has Limit 1
8.3.3 Debut cannot Bloom to another Debut
8.6.2 P1T1 cannot use LIMITED card
8.7.4 Baton Touch main step action is 1/turn
11.1.3 Every rule process goes off at the same time, except:
11.5.1 Life Damage Process only goes after all other rule process; and If for some reason multiple players have 1 or more Life damage, non-turn player doesn't do this process until turn player has 0 life damage to resolve Any Oshi Skill that says "Usable when [something is happening]" is performed as a replacement effect Any Oshi Skill that says "Usable when [specified holomem] is downed" is performed as part of Downed Rule Process Any Oshi Skill that says "Usable when X" isn't considered used if you don't perform the effect [Behaves like VG: 1/turn isn't used unless you actively use it]
12.2.1 There are arts that are optional replacement continuous effects. Damage+ against color is part of the Arts Damage [and not special damage] / There are small but significant differences for these. - "[Limitation] [Usable when X is happening]: (text)" = When X is happening, if Limitation isn't reached + cost of the arts (if any) can be paid, you may play this arts. If so, do (text) before X. - "[Limitation] [Usable when X happened]: (text)" = When X happened, if Limitation isn't reached + cost of the arts (if any) can be paid, you may play this arts. If so, do (text) after X.
12.5.2 [Collab Effect] = When this holomem is placed to Collab Position [regardless of how it got there], (effect)