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©ヴァンガードプロジェクト/テレビ愛知 illust:伊藤彰
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Seeker of Hope / Brawler of Friendship Trial Decks now available!

Apr 19 2014
Use the powerful Legion ability in these brand new Trial Decks! Pick up one - or both - of these Narukami and Royal Paladin decks today!
Divas Duet now available!

Mar 20 2014
The newest Bermuda set arrives! With every card having both a White and Black version, you can customize the look of your deck more than ever! A perfect set for those looking for an easy and powerful entry into Vanguard! Pick some up today!
Set 15: Infinite Rebirth now available!

Mar 8 2014
Infinite Rebirth roars into the game with brand new Limit Breaks, more powerful Locks, and a brand-new alternate win condition to strike fear into every opponent! Check out the set today! |
Set 14: Brilliant Strike now available!

Dec 23 2013
After a slight holiday delay, Brilliant Strike is now available! With new cards for multiple clans, including great Crossrides and Reverses, this is a must to take your deck to the next level! Get some today! |
Divine Dragon Progression now available!

Nov 23 2013
Kagero takes center stage with this new Extra Booster! The best reprints, new techs, and the simply insane Grade 4 make this the set to have! Available today! |
Champions of the Cosmos now available!

Nov 15 2013
Nova Grappler is back with this excellent Extra booster! With multiple re-Standing Vanguards, and an amazing Crossride that gives all of your Rearguards a second chance to attack, this set brings the best of Nova forward for everyone to easily collect and enjoy! |
Successor of the Sacred Regalia launches!

Oct 26 2013
Genesis returns with this excellent deck! A Ride Break along with interesting new ways to add Soul on your opponent's turn leads to lots of late-game surprises! now available! |
English Booster 11: Seal Dragons Unleashed launches!

Oct 25 2013
Set 11 now available in English! Jump ahead with this powerful set! |
Set 13: Catastrophic Outbreak launches!

Sep 15 2013
After a bit of a delay, Catastrophic Outbreak lands in the West! With amazing new Lock abilities, the dark 'Reverse' units appear in multiple Clans! A total game-changer, this set is available now from your local participating retailer! |
Mystic Magus Extra Booster launches!

Sep 7 2013
It's all Oracle all the Time with this bold new Extra Booster! Power up your Oracle build, or put together an amazing new deck right out of the box! Now available at retailers! |
Dimensional Brave Kaiser Trial Deck Now Available!

Aug 9 2013
Dimension Police finally gets their own Trial Deck, it is out of this world! Featuring a Ride Break that cancels Flash Shields (also called Null Guards or Perfect Guards depending on your region), no opponent is safe! Get one this weekend! |
Set 12: Binding Force of the Black Rings Booster Now Available!

Jul 9 2013
Explore the new Lock ability in a full Booster set! Powerful cards for Clans old and new, including Link Joker! Find it at your local store today! |
Star-vader and Revenger Trial Decks Available!

Jun 22 2013
New decks now available for Shadow Paladin, and the brand-new clan Link Joker! Use the new ability Lock to temporarily erase entire areas of the playfield from existence! Pick them up today!

Daigo Special Set Launches!

Jun 1 2013
A replica of Daigo's deck from the Cardfight!! Vanguard anime is now available for purchase! It comes with a 50 card Royal Paladin deck, 2 special Daigo PR cards, and 2 special Daigo bromides (collectible photos)! Supplies are extremely limited, so pick them up today!
Fighters' Collection 2013 now available at limited stores!

May 25 2013
New cards for the top clans, triple rare reprints of many deck staples, and new signature-style anime favorites, the first of their kind in the West! Less than 150 packs available in the entire country! Not available online, you can only get them in person while supplies last at the following stores in USA/Canada:
- Hammergirl Anime, Rochester NY
If you are in the area, pick some up today!
Booster 11: Seal Dragons Unleashed now available!

Apr 30 2013
Insane Ride Breaks, new tech for every Grade, tons of support for Tachikaze and other great Clans, what more could you ask for Now available!
Extra Booster 06: Dazzling Divas now available!

Mar 23 2013
Crossrides, Ride Breaks, reprinted Flash Shields (Perfect / Null Guards) and more! It's another excellent 100% Bermuda Triangle Extra Set, and it's available right now!
Booster Pack 10: Triumphant Return of the King of Knights now available!

Feb 15 2013
After a small translation hiccup, BP 10 is now available! All your favorite Set 1 and 2 characters return with great new abilities! Use Ride Break to crush the competition! Available now!
Machine Soldier / Cherry Blossom Trial Decks Now in English!

Jan 26 2013
Trial Decks 3 and 4 are now available in English! Pick up the cost-effective Nova Grappler and Oracle's defensive wall of returning units today! |
Eradicator / Liberator Trial Decks Launch!

Jan 26 2013
Narukami and Gold Paladin Trial Decks for the new era! With the return of familiar allies and new powerful on-Ride abilities, both Eradicator of the Empire and Liberator of the Sanctuary are must-haves! Pick one up today!
Set 9: Clash of Knights & Dragons Released!

Dec 22 2012
Apologies for the late news post (we were in Japan, cheering on the North American CFV National participants at Worlds), but the Set 9 translations are now available! New Crossrides, tons of new and powerful cards for many different Clans, and more!
Japanese Format Tournament Restriction Update

Dec 19 2012
Please note that this is for the Japanese Format only.
- You may have a maximum of two copies total of the following list of cards in your deck:
Royal Paladin: King of Knights, Alfred / Majesty Lord Blaster / Wingal Brave
Kagero: Dragonic Overlord the End / Lizard Soldier, Conroe
Oracle Think Tank: Godhawk, Ichibyoshi / Goddess of the Full Moon, Tsukuyomi / Silent Tom
For example, you may have 1 Alfred and 1 Dragonic Overlord the End. Alternatively, you could have 2 Silent Tom. You cannot have 2 Silent Tom and 1 Godhawk, Ichibyoshi (as that is three total copies - you may have at max two).
Celestial Valkyries / Infinite Phantom Legion Launch!

Nov 17 2012
Two great Clans get sets all their own! Oracle Thinktank and Nova Grappler both receive they very own Extra Booster sets! With reprints of hard-to-find cards and brand new additions, both sets make for an easy entry into the power hidden within these Clans! Pick up a bunch while supplies last! |
Tournament Rule Change: Sentinel

Dec 1 2011
Cards known popularly as 'Flash Shields' or 'Perfect / Null Guards' now have the 'Sentinel' Keyword. You may have no more than 4 cards with 'Sentinel' in your Deck.
For official confirmation, check the How To Play Section.
Blue Storm Armada Booster Pack Launch!

Sep 22 2012
Aqua Force, Launch! Set 8 of the original Japanese Cardfight!! Vanguard is now available! Aqua Force, Dimenson Police, and Neo Nectar rise to take the world of Cray by storm! With tons of new tech, and the ever-attacking Aqua Force, pick some up today! |
Descendant of the Sea Emperor Trial Deck Launch!

Aug 18 2012
Ride on the High Seas! After a bit of a holdup on translations, the newest Cardfight!! Vanguard Trial Deck is available! Join the Aqua Force on their ever-more-powerful repeated attacks! Also, the first printing of this Trial Deck comes with a bevy of awesome promos - an Organized Play Promo Pack, two Great Nature promos (one of which is a Grade 4, playable until late September), and an actual Soulsaver Dragon! Pick them up while they last! |
Rampage of the Beast King / English Cavalry of Black Steel Launches!

Jul 7 2012
English and Japanese releases! The English version of Cavalry, and Japanese Set 7! New Spike Brothers and Gold Paladins for English, and Great Nature, Dark Irregulars, and Pale Moon for original Japanese players! Pick yours up today! |
Breaker of Limits Booster Pack Launches!

Apr 30 2012
Set Six releases! Swarming Gold Paladins, Battling Narukami, Damage-manipulating Angel Feather, and the new Limit Break abilities bring a major shift to the Vanguard world! Pick it up at participating retailers today!
Slash of Silver Wolf / Resonance of Thunder Dragon TDs!

Apr 21 2012
Asia Circuit Trial Decks now available! Brand-new Gold Paladin / Narukami decks! Limit Break Abilities and more! Powerful Grade 3s, techy lower-Grade Boosting Units, and more!
Banquet of Divas Extra Booster Launch! (Sleeves, too!)

Mar 10 2012
Banquet of Divas (Diva Festival) is now available! 35 Bermuda Triangle cards - an entire clan from one set! Available at all participating retailers! Also look for Emi, Flores, Aqua, and Pacifica cardsleeves!
English Edition Onslaught of Dragon Souls Launch!

Mar 10 2012
English Edition Set 2 is now available! Spike Brothers, Granblue, and more! Available at all participating retailers!
Set 5: Awakening of Twin Blades!

Jan 14 2011
Set 5 has begun to arrive at participating stores! Bran new and awesome Neo Nectar, as well as combo cards for Shadow Paladin / Royal Paladin decks! Check out these amazing new cards today!
Set 4: Eclipse of the Hollow Shadow God!

Oct 31 2011
Set 3 has arrived at participating stores! Triggers for Megacolony, new Kagero, Nova Grappler, and Royal Paladin cards, and the brand-new clans Shadow Paladin and Dimension Police! Check out these amazing new cards today!
Set 3: Invasion of the Demonic Marquis!

Aug 8 2011
Set 3 has arrived at participating stores! Triggers for Tachikaze and Dark Irregulars, new Royal Paladin and Oracle Thinktank cards, and the brand-new clan Pale Moon! Check out these amazing new cards today!
Tournament Rule Change: Barcgal

Aug 3 2011
The first Official Tournament Rule change is up:
As of Sept. 5th, you may no longer choose Barcgal as your starting Vanguard.
There are no further restrictions on this card - you can still put four in your deck, and so on. For official confirmation, check the How To Play Section.
Trial Deck 3 and 4 Translations up!

Jul 15 2011
Translations are available for the brand-new Nova Grappler and Oracle Thinktank Trial Decks! They'll be available for purchase in just a few days (they are in customs right now), so stay tuned!
Set 2: Onslaught of Dragon Souls!

Jun 1 2011
Set 2 has arrived at participating stores! With tons of cards for the major clans, as well as full Trigger sets for Granblue and Spike Brothers, this set is a game-changer! Pick up some today!
Cardsleeves Sent out!

Jun 1 2011
Sleeves available! we've gotten in a number of excellent sleeves in - Vanguard logo, as well as Aichi and Misaki character sleeves! Quantities are limited, so check participating stores today!
For those of you who already play, the new sets are on their way out really soon, with two new Trial Decks and a new Booster set - check Set Info for details!
Site Launch!

May 11 2011
Heart of the Cards is open for business! We're here to bring you the best Japanese CCGs in a way that everyone in the West can play, and we are starting with the newest hit game - Cardfight!! Vanguard!
Read the Introduction, then go to one of our licensed shops in the Where to Buy and pick up some cards to play with! The game just came out, so you are getting in right at the ground floor! The Blaster Blade Trial Deck is easiest to play and the most stable, and the Dragonic Overlord Trial Deck rewards high-level players with lots of tech! The cards are in Japanese, but that's not a problem - we have Card Translations, and even Cardsleeve Inserts so you can play the whole game in English!
For those of you who already play, the new sets are on their way out really soon, with two new Trial Decks and a new Booster set - check Set Info for details!

