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Return to Heart of the Cards >![]() The Familiar of Zero Trial Deck Translation Downloaded from HeartOfTheCards.com Do not distribute, reprint, or repost in whole or in part ================================================================================ "Familiar of Zero" Saito “ゼロの使い魔”サイト Card No.: ZM/W03-T01 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 使い魔 (Familiar) Trait 2: 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: I'm the familiar of Louise the Zero! TEXT: [C] When you use BRAINSTORM and the effect puts at least 1 Climax card in the Waiting Room, this gains +3000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Sylphid シルフィード Card No.: ZM/W03-T02 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 使い魔 (Familiar) Trait 2: 竜 (Dragon) Triggers: None Flavor: Tabitha: "Horse, two people are riding. Can't eat" TEXT: [C] All your other Characters with either "Tabitha" or "Charlotte" (from Zero's Familiar) in the name gain +500 Power. [A] BOND/"Charlotte Helene Orleans" [(1)] ================================================================================ Louise the Zero ゼロのルイズ Card No.: ZM/W03-T03 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 虚無 (Void) Triggers: None Flavor: It seems it failed a little TEXT: [S] BRAINSTORM [(1) Rest this] Flip over the top 2 cards of your Library and put them in your Waiting Room. For each Climax revealed, all your Characters gain +2000 Power and +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Quiet Tabitha 無口なタバサ Card No.: ZM/W03-T04 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: メガネ (Glasses) Triggers: None Flavor: Staff of Destruction TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Tabitha & Illococoo タバサ&イルククゥ Card No.: ZM/W03-T05 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 竜 (Dragon) Triggers: None Flavor: Onee-sama is cute today too! I'm happy! TEXT: [C] Your Opponent may not play Events from hand during battles involving this. [A] When your Characters' Trigger Checks reveal a Climax card, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Wardes the Lightning 閃光のワルド Card No.: ZM/W03-T06 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Don't worry. Show me your full strength TEXT: [A] When you use BRAINSTORM and the effect puts at least 1 Climax card in the Waiting Room, this gains +3000 Power for the turn. [A] When this attacks, if "A Match" is in the Climax Zone, you may choose an Opponent's Character and return it to the hand. ================================================================================ Charlotte Helene Orleans シャルロット・エレーヌ・オルレアン Card No.: ZM/W03-T07 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 王族 (Royalty) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Kirche: "Charlotte is the real name of that girl, right?" TEXT: [C] Bodyguard [A] When this attacks, if "Tabitha's Secret" is in the Climax Zone, you may choose an Opponent's Character and return it to the hand. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Tabitha's Secret タバサの秘密 Card No.: ZM/W03-T08 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Bounce Flavor: Percerin: "Tabitha is the name of the doll given as present by Mistress to my Lady" TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ A Match 手合わせ Card No.: ZM/W03-T09 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: I've always wanted to have a match with you TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Jessica ジェシカ Card No.: ZM/W03-T10 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: ウェイトレス (Waitress) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: I'm Jessica, and you are? TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. ================================================================================ Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere ルイズ・フランソワーズ・ル・ブラン・ド・ラ・ヴァリ Card No.: ZM/W03-T102 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 8000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 虚無 (Void) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I... I didn't took the trouble to purposely come here because I wanted to see you! TEXT: [C] Your Opponent may not play BACKUP from hand during battles involving this. ================================================================================ "Golden Fairy" Tiffania “金色の妖精”ティファニア Card No.: ZM/W03-T103 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 3500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 虚無 (Void) Triggers: None Flavor: Return... to where you should return... TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. ================================================================================ Tiffania Westwood ティファニア・ウエストウッド Card No.: ZM/W03-T11 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 虚無 (Void) Triggers: None Flavor: It stirrs... Gundalf, Left Hand of God... TEXT: [A] When you Refresh your Library, you may put this in the Stock. [S] BRAINSTORM [(1) Rest this] Flip over the top 4 cards of your Library and put them in the Waiting Room. For each Climax revealed, all your Characters gain +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ "Little Nee-sama" Cattleya “ちい姉さま”カトレア Card No.: ZM/W03-T12 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 動物 (Animal) Triggers: Soul Flavor: If Louise stays this way, you'll meet the son-in-law TEXT: [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Michelle ミシェル Card No.: ZM/W03-T13 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: Captain, it's the Emperor! TEXT: [S] BRAINSTORM [(1) Rest this] Flip over the top 2 cards of your Library and put them in the Waiting Room. For each Climax revealed, choose 1 of your Opponent's Front Row Characters. That Character gets -6000 Power for the turn. [S] [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] You may rearrange the order of cards in your Clock. ================================================================================ Old Osmond オールド・オスマン Card No.: ZM/W03-T14 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 先生 (Teacher) Triggers: Soul Flavor: This stamp is a magic item that cannot be used by anyone except me TEXT: [S] [Counter] BACKUP 3000, Level 2 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Fouquet, the Crumbling Dirt 土くれのフーケ Card No.: ZM/W03-T15 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 7500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: "I have accepted the Staff of Destruction" TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if "Golem" is in the Climax Zone, put the top card of your Library in your Stock, and this gains +3000 Power for the turn. [S] [(1)] Choose 1 of your Opponent's Front Row Characters. That Character gets -1000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Louise & Cattleya ルイズ&カトレア Card No.: ZM/W03-T16 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 虚無 (Void) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Hehe, Louise has grown to be more attractive than I am TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Saito's Disposition サイトの意地 Card No.: ZM/W03-T17 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: But! I will not bow down to someone I'm not willing to bow down to!! TEXT: [Counter] BRAINSTORM Choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. Flip over the top 3 cards of your Library and put them in the Waiting Room. If at least 1 Climax card is revealed this way, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Golem ゴーレム Card No.: ZM/W03-T18 Rarity: TD Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Louise: "Go... Golem!?" TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +2 Soul. ================================================================================ Return to Heart of the Cards > |