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Return to Heart of the Cards >![]() Nanoha G.o.D. Extra Trial Trial Deck Translation Downloaded from HeartOfTheCards.com Do not distribute, reprint, or repost in whole or in part ================================================================================ Brother and Sister on the Battlefield 戦場の兄妹 Card No.: NA/W12-101 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クローン (Clone) Triggers: None Flavor: Fate: "Mage of the Time-Space Administration Bureau... Fate Testarossa" TEXT: [A] ENCORE [Put the top card of your Library in your Clock] ================================================================================ Hayate & Signum はやて&シグナム Card No.: NA/W12-102 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: 本 (Book), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: Hayate "I... I'm happy as is" TEXT: [S] [(1)] Draw a card, and discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Irreplacable Friendship Nanoha & Fate かけがえのない友情 なのは&フェイト Card No.: NA/W12-103 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クローン (Clone) Triggers: None Flavor: "Destiny has quietly begun to turn its wheel..." TEXT: [A] When this attacks, all your Characters gain +500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Nanoha & Fate & Hayate in Battle Outfit 戦闘服 なのは&フェイト&はやて Card No.: NA/W12-104 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Drive Ignition! TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if "Standby. Ready" is in the Climax Zone, draw a card. ================================================================================ Standby. Ready スタンバイ・レディ Card No.: NA/W12-105 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Seeeeeeeet-up! TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, put the top card of your Library in your Stock, and all your Characters gain +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Confused Fate 戸惑うフェイト Card No.: NA/W12-T01 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クローン (Clone) Triggers: None Flavor: Erm... Eh... Yes... Thank you TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Signum, Knight of Sword 剣の騎士 シグナム Card No.: NA/W12-T02 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: Laevatein, cut through! TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. [S] [Rest this] Choose 1 of your Characters with "Yagami" in its name, and that Character gains +500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Fate Vs. Signum フェイトVSシグナム Card No.: NA/W12-T03 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: Signum "If I can't run... I must fight...!" TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(3) Discard a card to your Waiting Room, send this to Memory] At the beginning of your Climax Phase, you may pay cost. If you do, choose 1 "Sonic Form Fate" or "Signum of Yagami Household" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. ================================================================================ Precia, Kind Monther 優しい母親 プレシア Card No.: NA/W12-T04 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: You must have dreamt a nightmare... But it's all okay now TEXT: [C] All your other Characters with "Fate" in name gain the following ability. "[C] This cannot be chosen as the target of your Opponent's effects." [C] During your turn, all your other Characters gain +1000 Power. ================================================================================ Playing Fate & Arf 戯れるフェイト&アルフ Card No.: NA/W12-T05 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 7000 Soul: 1 Traits: クローン (Clone), 使い魔 (Familiar) Triggers: None Flavor: Wah... Arf, what's going on? TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Signum of Yagami Household “八神家”シグナム Card No.: NA/W12-T06 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Yes.. I shall always be by your side... TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Sonic Form Fate ソニックフォーム フェイト Card No.: NA/W12-T07 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クローン (Clone) Triggers: Soul Flavor: To stand up against you.. I have no choice but to do this TEXT: [C] Character Opposite this gains +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Sturm Falken シュツルムファルケン Card No.: NA/W12-T08 Rarity: TD Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Bounce Flavor: Fly, falcon! TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Reinforce, the World's Most Fortunate Magic Book 世界で一番幸福な魔導書 リインフォース Card No.: NA/W12-T09 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 本 (Book) Triggers: None Flavor: At the very end... I have given you a beautiful name and heart TEXT: [A] BOND/"Hayate of Yagami Household" [(1)] ================================================================================ Shamal of Yagami Household “八神家”シャマル Card No.: NA/W12-T10 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: Hayate-chan, aren't you cold? TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Gil Graham, Battle-hardened Fighter 歴戦の勇士 ギル・グレアム Card No.: NA/W12-T11 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: I only want you to promise one thing TEXT: [A] [(2) Send this to Memory] When this becomes Reversed in battle, you may pay cost. If you do, search your Library for up to 1 ::Familiar:: Character, reveal it, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your Library. ================================================================================ Hayate of Yagami Household “八神家”はやて Card No.: NA/W12-T12 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Traits: 本 (Book) Triggers: None Flavor: I'm sorry, did I wake you up? TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Zafira of Yagami Household “八神家”ザフィーラ Card No.: NA/W12-T13 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: 使い魔 (Familiar), 動物 (Animal) Triggers: None Flavor: Signum: "Even as we live confused... The calm days have arrived" TEXT: [C] All your other ::Magic:: Characters gain +500 Power. [S] [Counter] BACKUP 3000, Level 2 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Curse of the Book of Darkness 闇の書の呪い Card No.: NA/W12-T14 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: None Flavor: "Lord Hayate's THAT... wasn't an illness..." TEXT: You cannot play this from hand if you do not have a ::Book:: Character. Choose 1 of your Opponent's Characters whose Level is 3 or lower. That Character does not Stand during your Opponent's next Stand Phase. ================================================================================ For My Beloved 愛する者の為に Card No.: NA/W12-T15 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Blessed Wind, Reinforce... My soul is definitely within that child TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, draw a card, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power and +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Return to Heart of the Cards > |