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Return to Heart of the Cards >![]() Madoka Magica Booster Pack Translation Downloaded from HeartOfTheCards.com Do not distribute, reprint, or repost in whole or in part ================================================================================ Mami, Silver Magical Gun 銀の魔銃 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-001 Rarity: RR Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I'll finish you off with a swift attack today. TEXT: [C] During your turn, if the Level of the Character Opposite this is 3 or higher, this gains +4000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Mami, Silver Magical Gun 銀の魔銃 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-001S Rarity: SR Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] During your turn, if the Level of the Character Opposite this is 3 or higher, this gains +4000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Mami Tomoe 巴 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-002 Rarity: RR Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I feel bad because this happens rarely, but let's finish this --- now! TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] [(2)] When this attacks, if "Tiro Finale" is in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose up to 1 Level 3 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and put it in Stock, and your Opponent may not use "[A] ENCORE" for the turn. (This includes "[A] ENCORE [(3)]" provided by the rules.) ================================================================================ Mami Tomoe 巴 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-002SP Rarity: SP Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] [(2)] When this attacks, if "Tiro Finale" is in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose up to 1 Level 3 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and put it in Stock, and your Opponent may not use "[A] ENCORE" for the turn. (This includes "[A] ENCORE [(3)]" provided by the rules.) ================================================================================ Kyubey, Making Contract 契約をせまるキュゥべえ Card No.: MM/W17-003 Rarity: R Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 宇宙人 (Alien) Trait 2: 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: Make a contract with me and become a magical girl! TEXT: [C] All your other ::Magic:: Characters gain +500 Power. [C] When you pay for the CHANGE cost of your Characters, you may put a Marker from under this in the Waiting Room in place of 1 Stock. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, put the top card of your Library under this as Marker. ================================================================================ Mami, Senior Magical Girl 先輩魔法少女 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-004 Rarity: R Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: Now, magical girls who contracted with Kyubey TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 ::Magic:: Character, reveal it, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your Library. [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 0 ================================================================================ Mami, Senior Magical Girl 先輩魔法少女 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-004S Rarity: SR Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 ::Magic:: Character, reveal it, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your Library. [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 0 ================================================================================ Mami in Pajamas パジャマのマミ Card No.: MM/W17-005 Rarity: R Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: -- None -- TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if you have 2 or more other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Mami, Shouldering Fate 宿命を背負うマミ Card No.: MM/W17-006 Rarity: R Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: For me... I didn't have time to think TEXT: [C] No player may use BACKUP from hand during battles involving this Character. ================================================================================ Mami, Shouldering Fate 宿命を背負うマミ Card No.: MM/W17-006R Rarity: RRR Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] No player may use BACKUP from hand during battles involving this Character. ================================================================================ "Dessert Witch" Charlotte “お菓子の魔女”シャルロッテ Card No.: MM/W17-007 Rarity: U Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: -- None -- TEXT: [C] Character Opposite this gains +1 Soul. [A] During battles involving this card, when damage dealt to you is cancelled, this gains +1000 Power until the end of your next turn. ================================================================================ "No Longer Alone" Mami “もうひとりじゃない”マミ Card No.: MM/W17-008 Rarity: U Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: My body feels light. I've never fought so happily before TEXT: [A] When this Front Attacks, if "Nothing Scares Me Anymore" is in the Climax Zone, reveal the top card of your Library. If it's a Climax card, this gets -4500 Power for the turn. Otherwise, this gains +4500 Power for the turn. (Put the revealed card back where it was) ================================================================================ Mami, Wish for Survival 生きるための願い マミ Card No.: MM/W17-009 Rarity: U Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Being a magical girl... isn't a good thing TEXT: [C] All your other Characters gain +1000 Power during your turn. [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the start of your Draw Phase, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 "Mami, Shouldering Fate" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. ================================================================================ Mami, Binding Magic 束縛魔法 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-010 Rarity: U Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Akemi-san, please! TEXT: [S] [Counter] BACKUP 3000, Level 2 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Mami, Enjoying Tea お茶をたしなむマミ Card No.: MM/W17-011 Rarity: C Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: That's right, it's risking your life. That's why you all should choose carefully TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. [S] [Rest this] Choose 1 of your Characters with "Madoka" in the name, and that Character gains +500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Mami, Giving Advice 忠告するマミ Card No.: MM/W17-012 Rarity: C Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: -- Try not to let this happen to you a second time TEXT: [C] This gains +1000 Power during your turn. ================================================================================ Mami, Veteran Magical Girl ベテラン魔法少女 マミ Card No.: MM/W17-013 Rarity: C Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: Don't worry. I wouldn't want future newbies see me doing horribly! TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Mami, Entrusting the Future 希望を託すマミ Card No.: MM/W17-014 Rarity: C Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: You yourself are hope. All of our hope TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Mami, Kindly Watching Over 優しく見守るマミ Card No.: MM/W17-015 Rarity: C Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 7000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: None Flavor: Oops... I tried to act more like your mentor, but that turns out to be something I can't do TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Mami, Graceful 優雅なるマミ Card No.: MM/W17-016 Rarity: C Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 8500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お茶 (Tea) Triggers: Soul Flavor: -- None -- TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Grief Seed グリーフシード Card No.: MM/W17-017 Rarity: U Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Mami: "This is a Grief Seed. An egg of a witch" TEXT: [Counter] Choose 1 of your Characters, and that Characters gains +X Power. X = 1000 times number of ::Magic:: Characters you have. ================================================================================ Sudden Happening 一瞬の出来事 Card No.: MM/W17-018 Rarity: U Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: --Eh? TEXT: Choose 1 Level 2 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and Send it to Memory. ================================================================================ Nothing Scares Me Anymore もう何も恐くない Card No.: MM/W17-019 Rarity: CR Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Bounce Flavor: -- I am not alone TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Tiro Finale ティロ・フィナーレ Card No.: MM/W17-020 Rarity: CC Color: Yellow Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Tiro Fina----le!! TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, draw a card, and choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power and +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Homura, Tragic Determination 悲壮な覚悟 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-021 Rarity: RR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: This has nothing to do with you TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if "No Longer Relying on Others" is in the Climax Zone, and you have no other Standing Character in the Front Row, this gains +7000 Power for the turn. [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 2 ================================================================================ Homura, Tragic Determination 悲壮な覚悟 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-021SP Rarity: SP Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if "No Longer Relying on Others" is in the Climax Zone, and you have no other Standing Character in the Front Row, this gains +7000 Power for the turn. [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 2 ================================================================================ "Secrecy" Madoka “内緒”のまどか Card No.: MM/W17-022 Rarity: RR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: My secret is out TEXT: [C] If you have 3 or more other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +1000 Power. [A] When this attacks, if "Don't Tell Anyone in Class!" is in the Climax zone, choose up to 1 of your other Characters and Send it to Memory, and at the start of your next Draw Phase, put that Character from Memory in any Slot on the Stage. [A] When this attacks, if "Don't Tell Anyone in Class!" is in the Climax Zone, this gains +2000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ "Secrecy" Madoka “内緒”のまどか Card No.: MM/W17-022SP Rarity: SP Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] If you have 3 or more other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +1000 Power. [A] When this attacks, if "Don't Tell Anyone in Class!" is in the Climax zone, choose up to 1 of your other Characters and Send it to Memory, and at the start of your next Draw Phase, put that Character from Memory in any Slot on the Stage. [A] When this attacks, if "Don't Tell Anyone in Class!" is in the Climax Zone, this gains +2000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Homura, Beautiful Looks 容姿端麗 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-023 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: You should just live as Madoka Kaname. Like you have been, and from now on TEXT: [A] [Choose 2 Characters cards in your Waiting Room and return it to your Library. Shuffle your Library] When this is played from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, this gains +2000 Power for the turn. [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 0 ================================================================================ Homura, Beautiful Looks 容姿端麗 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-023S Rarity: SR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] [Choose 2 Characters cards in your Waiting Room and return it to your Library. Shuffle your Library] When this is played from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, this gains +2000 Power for the turn. [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 0 ================================================================================ Homura, Watching Over 見守るほむら Card No.: MM/W17-024 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: She cannot be allowed to make a contract TEXT: [S] BRAINSTORM [(1) Rest 2 of your Characters] Flip over the top 4 cards of your Library and put it in the Waiting Room. For each Climax card revealed this way, search your Library for up to 1 ::Magic:: Character, reveal it, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your Library. ================================================================================ Homura, Hidden Feelings 隠された思い ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-025 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 6000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: I cannot tell her my true feelings TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or fewer ::Magic:: Characters, you cannot play this from hand. ================================================================================ Homura, Hidden Feelings 隠された思い ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-025S Rarity: SR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 6000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or fewer ::Magic:: Characters, you cannot play this from hand. ================================================================================ Madoka, Magical Girl of the Bow 弓の魔法少女 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-026 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 6500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Even then -- I'm a magical girl. I must protect everyone TEXT: [C] If there are 4 or more cards in your Stock, this gains +1000 Power. ================================================================================ Madoka, Magical Girl of the Bow 弓の魔法少女 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-026S Rarity: SR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 6500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] If there are 4 or more cards in your Stock, this gains +1000 Power. ================================================================================ Madoka, Wavering Feelings 揺れ動く気持ち まどか Card No.: MM/W17-027 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: ... I'm sorry... I'm a weakling... I'm sorry... TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +X Power. X = 500 times the Level of the Character. [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the start of your Draw Phase, you may pay cost. If so, choose a "Madoka, Ultimate" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. ================================================================================ Homura, Magical Girl of Time 時の魔法少女 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-028 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: No one will accept the future. Then, I will-- TEXT: [C] If there are 5 or more cards in your Stock, this gains +1000 Power. [A] [Discard a ::Magic:: Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room, Send this to Memory] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, you may pay cost. If so, at the start of your next Draw Phase, choose 1 "Homura, Magical Girl of Time" in your Memory and put it in any Slot on the Stage. ================================================================================ Homura, Magical Girl of Time 時の魔法少女 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-028R Rarity: RRR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] If there are 5 or more cards in your Stock, this gains +1000 Power. [A] [Discard a ::Magic:: Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room, Send this to Memory] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, you may pay cost. If so, at the start of your next Draw Phase, choose 1 "Homura, Magical Girl of Time" in your Memory and put it in any Slot on the Stage. ================================================================================ Madoka, Fate's Final Destination 因果の終着点 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-029 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: Kyubey: "The size of the soul gem that Madoka would produce is unmeasurable even to me" TEXT: [C] For each Marker under this, this gains +1500 Power. [A] When you Refresh your Library, you may put the top card of your Library under this as a Marker. ================================================================================ Madoka, Fate's Final Destination 因果の終着点 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-029S Rarity: SR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] For each Marker under this, this gains +1500 Power. [A] When you Refresh your Library, you may put the top card of your Library under this as a Marker. ================================================================================ Madoka, Ultimate アルティメットまどか Card No.: MM/W17-030 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: My wish is for all witches to vanish TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage or via CHANGE to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in your Waiting Room. [A] [Send this to Memory] When "Madoka's Wish" is placed in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 "'Continue to Fight' Homura" and put it in the Slot this was in. Afterwards, shuffle your Library, and that Character gains +3000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Madoka, Ultimate アルティメットまどか Card No.: MM/W17-030R Rarity: RRR Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage or via CHANGE to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in your Waiting Room. [A] [Send this to Memory] When "Madoka's Wish" is placed in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 "'Continue to Fight' Homura" and put it in the Slot this was in. Afterwards, shuffle your Library, and that Character gains +3000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Madoka, Bond with Homura ほむらとの絆 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-031 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: I'll become a magical girl TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 ::Magic:: Character in your Clock and return it to your hand, and put the top card of your Library in your Clock. [A] BOND/"Homura, Hidden Feelings" [(1)] ================================================================================ Madoka, Confronting Walpurgis Night ワルプルギスの夜に挑むまどか Card No.: MM/W17-032 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Goodbye, Homura-chan. Be well TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or fewer other Characters, this gains +1500 Power. ================================================================================ Madoka, Protecting Hope 希望を守る まどか Card No.: MM/W17-033 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: I'm happy when I can be of help to others TEXT: [A] When you use the BACKUP of this, choose 1 of your GREEN Characters in battle, and that Character gains +1000 Power for the turn. [S] [Counter] BACKUP 1500, Level 1 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Homura, Determined 決意のほむら Card No.: MM/W17-034 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: No one... believes the future... TEXT: [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the start of your Draw Phase, you may pay cost. If so, choose a "Homura, Magical Girl of Time" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. [S] [Rest this] Choose 1 of your ::Magic:: Characters, and that Character gains +1000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Homura, Time-Travelling Backwards 時間遡行者 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-035 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: --Repeat. -- I shall repeat this as many times as I need TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if there are 5 or fewer cards in your Library, return all cards in your Waiting Room to the Library. If so, shuffle that Library, and choose 1 of your "Madoka, Fate's Final Destination", and put up to 2 cards from top of your Library under that Character as Marker, and all your Characters gain +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ "Continue to Fight" Homura “戦い続ける”ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-036 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I wanted to complain. -- Now, let's go TEXT: [C] RECOLLECTION If "Madoka, Ultimate" is in your Memory, this gains +1500 Power. [A] When this is Front Attacked, look at the top card of your Library. Put it either on top of your Library or in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Madoka Kaname 鹿目 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-037 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: Any rule that interferes, I shall break and change it TEXT: [C] If you have 3 or more other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +1000 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, all your Characters gain +2000 Power for the turn. [S] [(1)] This gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Homura Akemi 暁美 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-038 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I shall use all options at my disposal to deal with fools TEXT: [C] If there are 4 or fewer cards in your Stock, this gains +500 Power and "[A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room]". [C] Character Opposite this gets -1 Soul. ================================================================================ Homura, Transfer Student 転校生 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-039 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: A,a,a,Akemi, Ho, Homura. Uh... Pl.. pleased to meet you TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. ================================================================================ Homura, Holding onto Bonds 絆を抱く少女 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-040 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: You are too hard on yourself. Madoka Kaname TEXT: [A] BOND/"Madoka, Wavering Feelings" [(1)] ================================================================================ Homura, Thinking of Madoka まどかを想うほむら Card No.: MM/W17-041 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: I shall deal with every single witch by myself TEXT: [C] If you have another Character with "Madoka" in the name, this gains +1500 Power. ================================================================================ "To Protect Everyone" Madoka “みんなを守るために” まどか Card No.: MM/W17-042 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Becoming a magical girl would allow me to help a lot of people -- that makes my happiness more than my terror TEXT: [A] When this attacks, choose 1 of your other ::Magic:: Characters, and that Character gains +1000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Madoka, Infirmary Officer 保健係 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-043 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Homura: "Kaname... Madoka-san. You're the infirmary officer of this class, right?" TEXT: [A] [(1)] When this attacks, if "The Girl From the Dream" is in your Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose a Character in your Clock and return it to your hand, and put the top card of your Library in your Clock. ================================================================================ Hitomi Shizuki 志筑 仁美 Card No.: MM/W17-044 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 音楽 (Music) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: If I could cut it cleanly like Madoka's mother... TEXT: [A] When this attacks, all your other Characters gain +1 Level for the turn. ================================================================================ Homura, Black-haired Girl 黒髪の少女 ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-045 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: I'm Homura Akemi. Pleased to meet you TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Madoka, Second-year Student of Mitakihara Middle School 見滝原中学二年生 まどか Card No.: MM/W17-046 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: I... I'm being called. Directly within my head, this one's voice TEXT: [A] [Clock] SHIFT Level 1 [S] BRAINSTORM [(1)] Flip over the top 4 cards of your Library and put them in the Waiting Room. For each Climax card revealed this way, choose 1 of your ::Magic:: Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Madoka & Homura, Best Friends 最高の友達 まどか&ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-047 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: Homura: "Because this is the place that girl protected" TEXT: [A] [(1)] When this attacks, if "My Best Friend" is in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, all your ::Magic:: Characters gain +2500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Madoka of the Blue Sky 青空のまどか Card No.: MM/W17-048 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: That's the self that I want to become one day TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Junko Kaname 鹿目 詢子 Card No.: MM/W17-049 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: Even though I look like a girl, taking me lightly will be your end, okay? TEXT: [C] All your other Characters whose name includes "Madoka" gain +1000 Power. ================================================================================ Homura, Lonely Battle 孤独な戦い ほむら Card No.: MM/W17-050 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 6000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 時間 (Time) Triggers: None Flavor: Kyubey: "She is still wishing for hope" TEXT: [A] [(2)] When "Time Manipulation" is placed in your Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, this gains "[C] When this attacks, you may instead choose a Character in your Opponent's Back Row and have this Front Attack that Character as Defending Character" for the turn. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ "Stage Device's Witch" Walpurgis Night “舞台装置の魔女”ワルプルギスの夜 Card No.: MM/W17-051 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: Homura: "Walpurgis Night will come to this town" TEXT: [S] [(2)] This gains +5000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Madoka, Feather-like Skirt ふわふわスカート まどか Card No.: MM/W17-052 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: None Triggers: Soul Flavor: I, I should really think about it, even if it's just the outfit... TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Law of Cycles 円環の理 Card No.: MM/W17-053 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Event Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Your prayers will not result in the end of despair TEXT: Search your Library for up to 1 ::Magic:: Character, reveal it, and put it in your hand. Shuffle your Library. ================================================================================ Meaningless Chain 無意味な連鎖 Card No.: MM/W17-054 Rarity: U Color: Green Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Madoka: "... You mean as long as she has hope, she cannot be saved?" TEXT: Look at the top 3 cards of your Opponent's Library and choose up to 1 of them and put it at the bottom of the Lbirary. Put the rest on top of the Library in any order. ================================================================================ Madoka's Wish まどかの願い Card No.: MM/W17-055 Rarity: CR Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Treasure Flavor: I -- shall no longer need to despair TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ No Longer Relying on Others もう誰にも頼らない Card No.: MM/W17-056 Rarity: CC Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Treasure Flavor: This is not my battlefield TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Time Manipulation 時間操作 Card No.: MM/W17-057 Rarity: CC Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: I live in a different time than Madoka TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, draw a card, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power and +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ My Best Friend わたしの、最高の友達 Card No.: MM/W17-058 Rarity: CC Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Stock Flavor: Just remember that. Don't ever forget it. TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Don't Tell Anyone in Class! クラスのみんなには、内緒だよ! Card No.: MM/W17-059 Rarity: CC Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Kyubey: "They are magical girls" TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +2 Soul. ================================================================================ The Girl From the Dream 夢に出てきた少女 Card No.: MM/W17-060 Rarity: CC Color: Green Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Homura: "Madoka Kaname, do you consider your life to be valuable?" TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, put the top card of your Library in your Stock, and all your Characters gain +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Battle-loving 好戦的 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-061 Rarity: RR Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: She looks like such an amateur. I'll finish her off instantly TEXT: [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] [S] [Rest 1 of your ::Magic:: Characters] This gains +1500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Battle-loving 好戦的 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-061R Rarity: RRR Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] [S] [Rest 1 of your ::Magic:: Characters] This gains +1500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Kyoko Sakura 佐倉 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-062 Rarity: RR Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Isn't that right? A story that ends with victory for love and courage TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage or via CHANGE to the Stage, you may choose a ::Magic:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. [S] [(1) Rest 2 of your Characters] This gains +2000 Power and "[A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may put that Character on top of the Library" for the turn. ================================================================================ Kyoko Sakura 佐倉 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-062SP Rarity: SP Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand or via CHANGE to the Stage, you may choose a ::Magic:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. [S] [(1) Rest 2 of your Characters] This gains +2000 Power and "[A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may put that Character on top of the Library" for the turn. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Sharing Apples 林檎のおすそわけ 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-063 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: Want one? TEXT: [C] All your other "Sayaka, Second-year Student of Mitakihara Middle School" gain +1000 Power. [A] BOND/"Sayaka, Second-year Student of Mitakihara Middle School" [(1)] ================================================================================ Kyoko, Multi-Section Spear 多節槍 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-064 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: What's with you? Whose ally are you? TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +X Power. X = 500 times number of your Characters with ASSIST [A] [(2)] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose a ::Magic:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Selfish One 利己主義者 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-065 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 8000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: What are you doing like a chicken about to lay an egg TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this attacks, if "Sayaka VS Kyoko" is in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose up to 2 Characters in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Selfish One 利己主義者 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-065S Rarity: SR Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 8000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] [(2)] When this attacks, if "Sayaka VS Kyoko" is in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose up to 2 Characters in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Shouting 吠える杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-066 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Who are you!? What did you do to Sayaka!? TEXT: [C] If you have another Character whose name includes "Sayaka", this gains +1500 Power. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Shouting 吠える杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-066S Rarity: SR Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 8000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] If you have another Character whose name includes "Sayaka", this gains +1500 Power. ================================================================================ Kyubey, Supporting Role サポート役 キュゥべえ Card No.: MM/W17-067 Rarity: U Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 宇宙人 (Alien) Trait 2: 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: I don't understand. Why do humans have to care so much about where their soul is? TEXT: [C] If this is in the Front Row, your other ::Magic:: Character in the Front Row Center Slot gains "[A] ENCORE [Put the top card of your Library in your Clock]". ================================================================================ Kyoko, Confession of the Past 過去の告白 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-068 Rarity: U Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: My family consistently lacked food TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if you have 3 or more Climax cards in your Waiting Room, put the top card of your Library in your Clock. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Wishing for a Miracle 奇跡を願う杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-069 Rarity: U Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: Please, God... Just once in my life...show me a happy dream... TEXT: [A] [Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When "Being on Your Own is Lonely" is placed in your Climax Zone, if this is in the Front Row, you may pay cost. If so, choose a Level 2 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and put it in the Waiting Room, and at the end of the turn, put this in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Kyoko in the Back Alley 路地裏の杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-070 Rarity: U Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 4000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I need to talk to you. Will you come with me? TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +1000 Power. [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the start of your Draw Phase, you may pay cost. If so, choose a "Kyoko Sakura" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Red Soul Gem 赤いソウルジェム 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-071 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: You got something to say? TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. ================================================================================ Kyoko, Farewell on the Subway Platform 地下鉄ホームでの別れ 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-072 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: Are you always going to be that stubborn? TEXT: [A] When this becomes Reversed, if its Battle Opponent is Level 0 or lower, you may Reverse that Character. ================================================================================ Kyoko, New Magical Girl 新たなる魔法少女 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-073 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: Kyubey: "I really didn't expect you to come" TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Kyoko who Finally Arrived やって来た杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-074 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: None Flavor: But I'm not just going to let some rookie chick take this perfect area right from under my nose TEXT: [S] [Counter] BACKUP 1500, Level 1 [Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Kyubey, Extra-terrestial Lifeform 地球外生命体 キュゥべえ Card No.: MM/W17-075 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 7000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 宇宙人 (Alien) Trait 2: 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: Hah, it's so hard to communicate with humans TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Kyoko, Magical Girl of the Spear 槍の魔法少女 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-076 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 7500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Heh, unwelcomed guys have unwelcomed friends too, it seems TEXT: [C] If you have 3 or more other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +1000 Power. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Kyoko's Determination 杏子の覚悟 Card No.: MM/W17-077 Rarity: U Color: Red Side: Weiss Event Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: -- None -- TEXT: All your ::Magic:: Characters gain +1500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ A Magical Girl Appears 魔法少女現る Card No.: MM/W17-078 Rarity: U Color: Red Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Can we crush that girl? TEXT: Choose up to 2 Characters in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand, choose a card in your hand and put it in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Sayaka VS Kyoko さやか VS 杏子 Card No.: MM/W17-079 Rarity: CR Color: Red Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Salvage Flavor: I dove in half-hearted.... it really bothers me TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Being on Your Own is Lonely 独りぼっちは、寂しいもんな Card No.: MM/W17-080 Rarity: CC Color: Red Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: Being on your own is lonely... That's alright. Let's go together. Sayaka... TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, draw a card, and choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power and +1 Soul for the turn. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Rookie Magical Girl 新人魔法少女 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-081 Rarity: RR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: I shall protect this town from now on TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain "[A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room]" [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the start of your Draw Phase, you may pay cost. If so, choose a "Sayaka, Hollowed Eyes" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Rookie Magical Girl 新人魔法少女 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-081R Rarity: RRR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain "[A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room]" [A] CHANGE [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] At the start of your Draw Phase, you may pay cost. If so, choose a "Sayaka, Hollowed Eyes" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in. ================================================================================ Sayaka Miki 美樹 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-082 Rarity: RR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: I wished for this power not just because I want to fight witches, but also to protect people who are important to me TEXT: [C] For each of your other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +500 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, Send this to Memory. ================================================================================ Sayaka Miki 美樹 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-082SP Rarity: SP Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] For each of your other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +500 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, Send this to Memory. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Fighting for People 人の為に戦うさやか Card No.: MM/W17-083 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: I do not regret anything that I wished for others TEXT: [C] All your other "Kyoko, Shouting" gain +500 Power and "[A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room]". [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Admiration for Mami マミへの憧れ さやか Card No.: MM/W17-084 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: Sayaka: "Mami-san looks so good!" TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at the top card of your Library and put it either on top or bottom of the Library. [A] When this attacks, reveal the top card of your Library. If it's a ::Magic:: Character, put it in your hand and discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. (Otherwise put the card back where it was) ================================================================================ Sayaka, Healing Prayer 癒しの祈り さやか Card No.: MM/W17-085 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 6500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: Kyubey: "She contracted with healing prayers and became a magical girl" TEXT: [A] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, put the top card of your Library in your Clock and Rest this. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Healing Prayer 癒しの祈り さやか Card No.: MM/W17-085S Rarity: SR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 6500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [A] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, put the top card of your Library in your Clock and Rest this. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Hollow Eyes 虚ろな目 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-086 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Don't, get in my way... TEXT: [C] All your other Characters gain +1000 Power during your Opponent's turn. [A] [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] When "I've Been Such A Fool" is placed in your Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose either 1 "'Mermaid Witch'" or 1 "Sayaka, Battling While Hurting" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in, draw a card, and that Character gains +1500 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Hollow Eyes 虚ろな目 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-086S Rarity: SR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: SECRET TEXT: [C] All your other Characters gain +1000 Power during your Opponent's turn. [A] [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] When "I've Been Such A Fool" is placed in your Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose either 1 "'Mermaid Witch'" or 1 "Sayaka, Battling While Hurting" in your Waiting Room and put it in the Slot this was in, draw a card, and that Character gains +1500 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Classmate クラスメイト さやか Card No.: MM/W17-087 Rarity: U Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: No, Madoka's mother is always so nice TEXT: [C] If this is in the Front Row, this does not Stand during your Stand Phase. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Found Her Wish 願いを見つけたさやか Card No.: MM/W17-088 Rarity: U Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: I've found what I would wish for TEXT: [A] [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] When "Both Miracles And Magic Exist" is placed in your Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, choose up to 1 "Sayaka, Hollowed Eyes" in your hand and put it in the Slot this was in, and choose a Level 0 or lower Character in your Waiting Room whose name includes "Kamijou" and put it in any Slot on Stage. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Ally of Justice 正義の味方 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-089 Rarity: U Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 8000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Even from now on, the peace of Mitakihara City shall be protected by me, Magical Girl Sayaka-chan! TEXT: [C] If you have 3 or more other ::Magic:: Characters, this gains +1000 Power. ================================================================================ "Mermaid Witch" “人魚の魔女” Card No.: MM/W17-090 Rarity: U Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 音楽 (Music) Triggers: Soul Flavor: Madoka: "Hey, please... please return to the old Sayaka-chan! Please return to my favorite Sayaka-chan!" TEXT: [A] [Discard a Character card from hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If not, put this in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Confrontation 対決するさやか Card No.: MM/W17-091 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: Those who were attacked by witches... You didn't even help them!? TEXT: [A] BOND/"Kyoko, Wishing for a Miracle" [(1)] ================================================================================ Kyousuke Kamijou 上条 恭介 Card No.: MM/W17-092 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 音楽 (Music) Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Sayaka: "You must wish for things that are somewhat related to you" TEXT: [A] When this attacks, look at the top card of your Library and put it either on top or bottom of the Library. ================================================================================ Sayaka, Childhood Friend of Kamijou-kun 上条君の幼なじみ さやか Card No.: MM/W17-093 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 音楽 (Music) Triggers: None Flavor: Wow TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Sayaka, Second-year Student of Mitakihara Middle School 見滝原中学二年生 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-094 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: None Flavor: -- None -- TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ Sayaka, Magical Girl of the Sword 剣の魔法少女 さやか Card No.: MM/W17-095 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: -- None -- TEXT: [S] [Counter] BACKUP 2000, Level 1 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Sayaka, Battling While Hurting 傷つきながら戦うさやか Card No.: MM/W17-096 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Weiss Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 9500 Soul: 2 Trait 1: 魔法 (Magic) Trait 2: 愛 (Love) Triggers: Soul Flavor: If you can do that, all the pain... will completely go away... TEXT: [A] When this becomes Reversed in Battle, put the top card of your Library in your Clock, and Rest this. [S] [Rest 1 of your ::Magic:: Characters] This gains +1000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Incubator 孵卵器 Card No.: MM/W17-097 Rarity: U Color: Blue Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: Even though there are lots of replacements, being destroyed meaninglessly is still troublesome TEXT: Choose 1 of your Standing ::Magic:: Characers and Rest it. If so, draw up to 2 cards, and discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Sayaka's Wish さやかの願い Card No.: MM/W17-098 Rarity: U Color: Blue Side: Weiss Event Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: None Flavor: There's no reason for me to regret TEXT: [Counter] Choose 1 of your Characters with "Sayaka" in name and put it in the Waiting Room. If so, return the top card of your Clock to your hand, and Send this to Memory. ================================================================================ I've Been Such A Fool あたしって、ほんとバカ Card No.: MM/W17-099 Rarity: CR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: Draw Flavor: Resentment and pain took root in my own heart, I'm even hurting my dearest friend now TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Both Miracles And Magic Exist 奇跡も、魔法も、あるんだよ Card No.: MM/W17-100 Rarity: CC Color: Blue Side: Weiss Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Trait 1: None Trait 2: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: This is my final strike--! TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +2 Soul. ================================================================================ Return to Heart of the Cards > |