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Return to Heart of the Cards >![]() Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya Prisma Phantasm Extra Pack Translation Downloaded from HeartOfTheCards.com Do not distribute, reprint, or repost in whole or in part ================================================================================ "Everyone's Brother" Shirou “みんなのお兄ちゃん”士郎 Card No.: PI/SE36-01 Rarity: R Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] If you have no other Character with ::Phantasm:: and/or ::Weapon::, this does not Stand during your Stand Phase. [A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, choose 1 of your other Characters with either ::Phantasm:: or ::Weapon::, Rest it, and move it to an empty Slot in the Back Row. ================================================================================ "True Human Training" Shinji “真人間修業”慎二 Card No.: PI/SE36-02 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] [(1) Discard a Climax card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose a Climax card in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. [A] When this becomes Reversed, if the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is 0 or lower, you may put the top card of your Opponent's Clock in the Waiting Room. If so, put that Character in Clock. ================================================================================ Erica エリカ Card No.: PI/SE36-03 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 人形 (Doll) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at up to 2 cards from top of your Library and put them on top of your Library in any order. [A] When this attacks, choose 1 of your ::Phantasm:: or ::Doll:: Characters, and for the turn that Character gains +1500 Power. ================================================================================ Tanaka, Over-the-Top Girl はっちゃけ少女 田中 Card No.: PI/SE36-04 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 腹ペコ (Hungry) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, put the top 2 cards of your Library in your Waiting Room. If there were at least 1 Climax card among them, choose a Character in your Opponent's Front Row, and that Character gets -1000 Power for the turn. [A] [(1) Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose a ::Phantasm:: or ::Hungry:: Character from your Waiting Room, return it to hand, choose 1 of your other ::Phantasm:: or ::Hungry:: Characters and for the turn that Character gains +1000 Power. ================================================================================ Sakura, Perfect Smile 満点スマイル 桜 Card No.: PI/SE36-05 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), スポーツ (Sports) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When you use the BACKUP of this, if you have a ::Phantasm:: Character, choose 1 of your Characters in battle, and that Character gains +1000 Power for the turn. [S] [Counter] BACKUP 1000, Level 1 [Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Beatrice ベアトリス Card No.: PI/SE36-06 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When you use the BACKUP of this, reveal the top card of your Library. If it's a Character with either ::Phantasm:: or ::Weapon::, put it in your hand and discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. (Otherwise put it back where it was) [S] [Counter] BACKUP 2000, Level 1 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Angelica アンジェリカ Card No.: PI/SE36-07 Rarity: C Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] EXPERIENCE When this attacks, if the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 5 or more, choose 1 of your Characters, and for the turn, that Character gains +3000 Power. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card with either ::Phantasm:: or ::Weapon:: from your hand to the Waiting Room ================================================================================ "Teasing Girl" Kuroe “悪戯っ子”クロエ Card No.: PI/SE36-08 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] If this is on the Stage, this gains ::Weapon::. [A] [(1) Put the top card of your Library in your Clock] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 Level 1 or lower Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and shuffle your Library. [A] EXPERIENCE When this attacks, if the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 2 or higher, choose 1 of your Characters and for the turn that Character gains +1000 Power. (TL Note: "Kuroe" is used over "Chloe" so that this card is a valid choice as a Character with "Kuro" in name) ================================================================================ "Teasing Girl" Kuroe “悪戯っ子”クロエ Card No.: PI/SE36-08SP Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] If this is on the Stage, this gains ::Weapon::. [A] [(1) Put the top card of your Library in your Clock] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 Level 1 or lower Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and shuffle your Library. [A] EXPERIENCE When this attacks, if the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 2 or higher, choose 1 of your Characters and for the turn that Character gains +1000 Power. (TL Note: "Kuroe" is used over "Chloe" so that this card is a valid choice as a Character with "Kuro" in name) ================================================================================ "Senior Magician" Rin “先輩魔術師”凛 Card No.: PI/SE36-09 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 宝石 (Gem) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] If you have 5 or more cards in your hand, this card gains +1 Level, +1500 Power, and the following ability. "[C] The card across from this cannot Side Attack." [A] At the start of your Opponent's Attack Phase, you may move this to an empty Slot in your Front Row that has an Opponent's Character Opposite that Slot. ================================================================================ "Senior Magician" Luvia “先輩魔術師”ルヴィア Card No.: PI/SE36-10 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 宝石 (Gem) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this attacks, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +500 Power for the turn. [A] [Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from Stage to the Waiting Room, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 4 cards from the top of your Library, choose up to 1 ::Phantasm:: or ::Gem:: character from among them, show it to your Opponent, place it in your hand, and place the remaining cards in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Kuro's Camp" Kuroe “クロの陣営”クロエ Card No.: PI/SE36-11 Rarity: R Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] If this is on the Stage, this gains ::Weapon::. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] CX COMBO EXPERIENCE [(1)] When this attacks, if "Prisma Kick-The-Can Game" is in your Climax Zone, and the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 6 or higher, you may pay cost. If so, reveal the top 9 cards of your Library, shuffle your Library, and Deal X Damage to your Opponent. X equals the number of Standby Trigger Icons among those cards. (Damage Cancel can occur. Put the revealed cards back) (TL Note: "Kuroe" is used over "Chloe" so that this card is a valid choice as a Character with "Kuro" in name) ================================================================================ Caren, This is my Job これが私のお仕事 カレン Card No.: PI/SE36-12 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 保健室 (Infirmary) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. [S] [(1) Put this in the Waiting Room] Look at up to 4 cards from top of your Library and search for up to 1 ::Phantasm:: Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and put the rest in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Bazett, For Life 生活のために バゼット Card No.: PI/SE36-13 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 男装 (Male Dressing) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or more other ::Phantasm:: Characters, this gains +2000 Power. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ Gilgamesh, High-Level Vision 高みの見物 ギルガメッシュ Card No.: PI/SE36-14 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 7500 Soul: 2 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] EXPERIENCE If the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 3 or higher, this gains +1500 Power and "[A] ENCORE [Discard a ::Phantasm:: or ::Weapon:: Character from your hand to the Waiting Room]". [C] EXPERIENCE If the sum of Levels of cards in your Level Zone is 5 or higher, this gains +1500 Power. ================================================================================ Prisma Kick-The-Can Game プリズマ☆缶蹴り勝負 Card No.: PI/SE36-15 Rarity: C Color: Red Side: Schwarz Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Standby Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, perform the [Standby Icon] effect. ================================================================================ "Red Camp" Illya “赤の陣営”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-16 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] At the beginning of your Climax Phase, choose 1 of your ::Phantasm:: or ::Magic:: Characters, and for the turn that Character gains +500 Power. [S] BRAINSTORM [(1) Rest this] Flip over the top 4 cards of your Library and place them in the Waiting Room. For each Climax card placed in the Waiting Room in this way, search your Library for up to 1 ::Phantasm:: or ::Magic:: Character, show it to your Opponent, put it in your hand, and shuffle your Library. ================================================================================ "Kuro's Camp" Miyu “クロの陣営”美遊 Card No.: PI/SE36-17 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] During your turn, this gains +1000 Power. [A] CX COMBO EXPERIENCE [Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] When this attacks, if "End of the Festival" is in your Climax Zone and the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 2 or greater, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 3 cards from the top of your Library, choose up to 3 ::Phantasm:: and/or ::Magic:: Characters, show them to your Opponent, put them in your hand, and put the remaining cards in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Kuro's Camp" Miyu “クロの陣営”美遊 Card No.: PI/SE36-17SP Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] During your turn, this gains +1000 Power. [A] CX COMBO EXPERIENCE [Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] When this attacks, if "End of the Festival" is in your Climax Zone and the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 2 or greater, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 3 cards from the top of your Library, choose up to 3 ::Phantasm:: and/or ::Magic:: Characters, show them to your Opponent, put them in your hand, and put the remaining cards in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Miyu, Cool Girl クールな少女 美遊 Card No.: PI/SE36-18 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] If you have 4 or more Characters with ::Phantasm:: or ::Magic::, this gets -1 Level while in your hand. [A] [Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, put the top card of your Clock in your Stock. [A] EXPERIENCE When this attacks, if the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 5 or greater, for the turn this gains +2500 Power. ================================================================================ Illya, Full of Energy 元気いっぱい イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-19 Rarity: R Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] CX COMBO EXPERIENCE [(1) Discard 2 cards from hand to the Waiting Room] When this attacks, if "End of the Game" is in your Climax Zone, and the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 6 or higher, you may pay cost. If so, do the following two actions once each in any order. "Look at up to 2 cards from the top of your Opponent's Library, place as many cards from among them in the Waiting Room, and put the remaining cards back on top of their Library in any order." "Deal 2 Damage to your Opponent." (Damage Cancel can occur) ================================================================================ Illya, Full of Energy 元気いっぱい イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-19SP Rarity: SP Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] CX COMBO EXPERIENCE [(1) Discard 2 cards from hand to the Waiting Room] When this attacks, if "End of the Game" is in your Climax Zone, and the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 6 or higher, you may pay cost. If so, do the following two actions once each in any order. "Look at up to 2 cards from the top of your Opponent's Library, place as many cards from among them in the Waiting Room, and put the remaining cards back on top of their Library in any order." "Deal 2 Damage to your Opponent." (Damage Cancel can occur) ================================================================================ Mimi, Always Together いつでも一緒 美々 Card No.: PI/SE36-20 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 本 (Book) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your other ::Phantasm:: Characters gain +500 Power. [A] [Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] When your Character reveals a Gate Trigger Icon on a Climax during Trigger Check, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 2 cards from the top of your Library, choose up to 1 of them and put it in your hand, and put the remaining cards in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Nanami, Always Together いつでも一緒 那奈亀 Card No.: PI/SE36-21 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, reveal the top card of your Library. If it's a ::Phantasm:: Character, put it in your hand and discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. (Otherwise put it back where it was) [A] [Discard a Climax card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose a ::Phantasm:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ "First Victim" Irisviel 最初の犠牲者 アイリスフィール Card No.: PI/SE36-22 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at the top card of your Library and put it either on top or bottom of the Library. [A] [(1) Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, search your Library for up to 1 ::Phantasm:: Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and shuffle your Library. ================================================================================ Housework Skill, Sera 家事スキル セラ Card No.: PI/SE36-23 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 3500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), メイド (Maid) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] EXPERIENCE On your turn, if the sum of the Levels on the cards in your Level Zone is 2 or greater, this gains +2000 Power and the following ability. "[A] When this attacks, if the card Opposite this is Level 2, for the turn this gains +6000 Power." [A] [Rest another of your Standing ::Phantasm:: Characters] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may pay cost. If so, choose a card in your Level Zone and a card in your Waiting Room, swap them, choose up to 1 of your Characters, and for the turn that Character gets +1 Level. ================================================================================ Tatsuko, Always Together いつでも一緒 龍子 Card No.: PI/SE36-24 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), スポーツ (Sports) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this attacks, this gains +X Power for the turn. X = 500 times # of your other ::Phantasm:: Characters. [A] [Discard a Climax Card with a Gate Trigger Icon from hand to the Waiting Room] When this attacks you may pay cost. If so, for the turn this gains +1500 Power and the following ability. "[A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may draw a card." ================================================================================ Free Tiger, Taiga 自由な虎 大河 Card No.: PI/SE36-25 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 3000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 先生 (Teacher) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, choose up to 1 of your Opponent's Characters and Send it to Memory, and your Opponent puts that Character from Memory to any Slot on their Stage. [A] When this becomes Reversed, if the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is higher than the Level of your Opponent, you may put that Character on the bottom of the Library. ================================================================================ Suzuka, Always Together いつでも一緒 雀花 Card No.: PI/SE36-26 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), オタク (Otaku) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Level 3 or higher Characters in front of this gain +2000 Power. [A] [Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] When your Character's Trigger Check reveals a Climax with a Gate Icon, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 2 cards from the top of your Library, place them back on top of your Library in any order, and draw a card. ================================================================================ Leysritt, Escape Watcher 逃亡監視役 リーゼリット Card No.: PI/SE36-27 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), メイド (Maid) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] EXPERIENCE If the sum of the Levels of the cards in your Level Zone is 5 or greater, this gains +1000 Power and the following ability. "[A] When the Level 2 or greater Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may put the top card of your Library to your Stock." [A] When this attacks, this gains +X Power for the turn. X = 1000 times # of your other ::Phantasm:: Characters. ================================================================================ "Enthusiastic Welcome" Kirei “熱烈歓迎”綺礼 Card No.: PI/SE36-28 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 8000 Soul: 1 Traits: ファンタズム (Phantasm), 神父 (Priest) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if there are 5 or fewer cards in your Library, return all cards in your Waiting Room to your Library. If so, shuffle your Library, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +3000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, all players perform the following action. "If you have 5 or more cards in Memory, choose 4 cards in Memory, then put all cards in Memory that were not chosen into your Waiting Room." ================================================================================ Looking for Challenger 挑戦者求む Card No.: PI/SE36-29a Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Event Level: 3 Cost: 4 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [Counter] You may discard 2 cards from your hand to the Waiting Room. If so, choose a Level 3 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and put it in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Looking for Challenger 挑戦者求む Card No.: PI/SE36-29b Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Event Level: 3 Cost: 4 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [Counter] You may discard 2 cards from your hand to the Waiting Room. If so, choose a Level 3 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and put it in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Looking for Challenger 挑戦者求む Card No.: PI/SE36-29c Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Event Level: 3 Cost: 4 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [Counter] You may discard 2 cards from your hand to the Waiting Room. If so, choose a Level 3 or lower Character in your Opponent's Front Row and put it in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ End of the Game 勝負の結末 Card No.: PI/SE36-30 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Gate Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ End of the Festival 祭りの終わり Card No.: PI/SE36-31 Rarity: C Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Gate Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ "Future Bride" Illya “未来の花嫁”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-32 Rarity: AR Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] If there are 2 or fewer Climax cards in your Waiting Room, this gets -1 Level while in your hand. [C] For each of your other Characters in your Front Row that is either GREEN or ::Phantasm::, this gains +1000 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Future Bride" Illya “未来の花嫁”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-32OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Green Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 9000 Soul: 2 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] If there are 2 or fewer Climax cards in your Waiting Room, this gets -1 Level while in your hand. [C] For each of your other Characters in your Front Row that is either GREEN or ::Phantasm::, this gains +1000 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Ruby Pirates" Illya “ルビー海賊団”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-33 Rarity: AR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top 3 cards of your Library in the Waiting Room. [A] [Return this to your hand] When your Climax card is placed in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, look at the top card of your Library, put it either on top of the Library or in the Waiting Room, choose 1 of your ::Weapon:: Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ "Ruby Pirates" Illya “ルビー海賊団”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-33OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top 3 cards of your Library in the Waiting Room. [A] [Return this to your hand] When your Climax card is placed in the Climax Zone, you may pay cost. If so, look at the top card of your Library, put it either on top of the Library or in the Waiting Room, choose 1 of your ::Weapon:: Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ "Ninja Under the Moon" Illya “月下の忍”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-34 Rarity: AR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] CX COMBO [(1)] When "Stay Like This Forever" is placed in your Climax Zone, if this is in the Front Row, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your other ::Weapon:: Characters and Stand it. ================================================================================ "Ninja Under the Moon" Illya “月下の忍”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-34OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] CX COMBO [(1)] When "Stay Like This Forever" is placed in your Climax Zone, if this is in the Front Row, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your other ::Weapon:: Characters and Stand it. ================================================================================ "Slumber Party" Miyu & Kuroe & Illya “お泊まり会”美遊&クロエ&イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-35 Rarity: AR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may return this to your hand. [A] When this becomes Reversed, if you have 2 or more other Characters with either ::Weapon:: or ::Magic:: and the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is 3 or lower, you may Reverse that Battle Opponent. ================================================================================ "Slumber Party" Miyu & Kuroe & Illya “お泊まり会”美遊&クロエ&イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-35OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 8500 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), 武器 (Weapon) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] When the Battle Opponent of this becomes Reversed, you may return this to your hand. [A] When this becomes Reversed, if you have 2 or more other Characters with either ::Weapon:: or ::Magic:: and the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is 3 or lower, you may Reverse that Battle Opponent. ================================================================================ Stay Like This Forever ずっとこのままで Card No.: PI/SE36-36 Rarity: AR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Standby Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, perform the [Standby Icon] effect. ================================================================================ Stay Like This Forever ずっとこのままで Card No.: PI/SE36-36OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Red Side: Schwarz Climax Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Standby Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Climax Zone, perform the [Standby Icon] effect. ================================================================================ "Midsummer Sunshine" Illya “真夏の日差し”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-37 Rarity: AR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] EXPERIENCE [Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, If the sum of Levels of cards in your Level Zone is 2 or higher, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 4 cards from top of your Library and search for up to 1 ::Magic:: Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and put the rest in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Midsummer Sunshine" Illya “真夏の日差し”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-37SP Rarity: SP Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] EXPERIENCE [Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, If the sum of Levels of cards in your Level Zone is 2 or higher, you may pay cost. If so, look at up to 4 cards from top of your Library and search for up to 1 ::Magic:: Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and put the rest in the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Quiet Time" Illya “長閑な時間”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-38 Rarity: AR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] [(1) Discard a ::Magic:: Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room, put a Character from your Stage in the Waiting Room] When you use the BACKUP of this, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your Opponent's Characters whose Level is higher than the Level of the Opponent and put it on the bottom of the Library. [S] [Counter] BACKUP 2500, Level 2 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ "Quiet Time" Illya “長閑な時間”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-38OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] [(1) Discard a ::Magic:: Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room, put a Character from your Stage in the Waiting Room] When you use the BACKUP of this, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your Opponent's Characters whose Level is higher than the Level of the Opponent and put it on the bottom of the Library. [S] [Counter] BACKUP 2500, Level 2 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ "Freezing Cold" Illya “悴む寒さ”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-39 Rarity: AR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if there are 5 or fewer cards in your Library, return all cards in your Waiting Room to your Library. If so, shuffle your Library, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +3000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. [S] [(2) Rest 2 of your Characters] Draw a card. ================================================================================ "Freezing Cold" Illya “悴む寒さ”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-39OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7500 Soul: 1 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if there are 5 or fewer cards in your Library, return all cards in your Waiting Room to your Library. If so, shuffle your Library, choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains +3000 Power until the next end of your Opponent's turn. [S] [(2) Rest 2 of your Characters] Draw a card. ================================================================================ "Cheer Girl" Illya “チアガール”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-40 Rarity: AR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 6500 Soul: 2 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain the following ability. "[C] During battles involving this, your Opponent may not play Events from hand." [C] EXPERIENCE If the sum of Levels of cards in your Level Zone is 4 or higher, this gains the following ability. "[C] ASSIST All your ::Magic:: Characters in front of this gain +X Power. X equals that Character's Level times 1000." [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, draw 2 cards and discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ "Cheer Girl" Illya “チアガール”イリヤ Card No.: PI/SE36-40OFR Rarity: OFR Color: Blue Side: Schwarz Character Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 6500 Soul: 2 Traits: マスター (Master), 魔法 (Magic) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain the following ability. "[C] During battles involving this, your Opponent may not play Events from hand." [C] EXPERIENCE If the sum of Levels of cards in your Level Zone is 4 or higher, this gains the following ability. "[C] ASSIST All your ::Magic:: Characters in front of this gain +X Power. X equals that Character's Level times 1000." [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, draw 2 cards and discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room. ================================================================================ Return to Heart of the Cards > |