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Return to Heart of the Cards >![]() Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card Trial Deck Translation Downloaded from HeartOfTheCards.com Do not distribute, reprint, or repost in whole or in part ================================================================================ "Room Without an Exit" Kero-chan “出口のない部屋”ケロちゃん Card No.: CCS/W66-T01 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +500 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, reveal the top card of your Library. If it's a ::Clear Card:: Character, put it in your hand and discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. (Otherwise put it back where it was) ================================================================================ "Believe in the Power" Sakura Kinomoto “力を信じて”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T02 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this becomes Reversed, if the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is 0 or lower, you may Reverse that Character. [A] [(2)] When this is placed from Stage to the Waiting Room, you may pay cost. If so, choose a ::Clear Card:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ "Believe in the Power" Sakura Kinomoto “力を信じて”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T02SP Rarity: SP Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this becomes Reversed, if the Level of the Battle Opponent of this is 0 or lower, you may Reverse that Character. [A] [(2)] When this is placed from Stage to the Waiting Room, you may pay cost. If so, choose a ::Clear Card:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ "New Uniform" Kinomoto Sakura “新しい制服”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T03 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 2500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the stage, this gains +1500 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ "Absolutely Defending to the Last!" Kinomoto Sakura “絶対死守!”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T04 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [S] [Counter] BACKUP 2500, Level 1 [(1) Discard this card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ "What I Can Do" Sakura & Tomoyo “わたしにできること”桜&知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T05 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 6000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if you have 2 or more other ::Clear Card:: Characters, this gains +2000 Power for the turn. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ "What I Can Do" Sakura & Tomoyo “わたしにできること”桜&知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T05R Rarity: RRR Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 1 Power: 6000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this attacks, if you have 2 or more other ::Clear Card:: Characters, this gains +2000 Power for the turn. [A] ENCORE [Discard a Character card from your hand to the Waiting Room] ================================================================================ "Key of Dreams" Kinomoto Sakura “夢の鍵”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T06 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 7000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] If you have 2 or more other ::Clear Card:: Characters, this gains +2000 Power. [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, if you have 4 or more other ::Clear Card:: Characters, you may put the top card of your Library in your Stock. ================================================================================ "Reunion Under the Cherry Blossoms" Syaoran Li “さくらの下の再会”李小狼 Card No.: CCS/W66-T07 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 2 Cost: 2 Power: 6000 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] If you have another Character with "Sakura" in name, this gains +3000 Power. [A] When your other ::Clear Crad:: Character attacks, this gains +1500 Power for the turn. (Translation note: the cards that search for "Sakura" look for the name in kanji. This card's name is in hiragana, and has as such been translated to "Cherry Blossoms" to show that it is not a valid target) ================================================================================ "New Story" Kinomoto Sakura “新たな物語”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T08 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at up to 3 cards from top of your Library, choose up to 1 of them and put it in your hand, and put the rest in the Waiting Room. [A] CX COMBO When "New Beginning" is placed to your Climax Zone, if this is in your Front Row, for the turn this gets +2000 Power and the following ability. "[A] [(3) Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] This ability activates up to once per turn. When the Battle Opponent of this is Reversed, if you have 4 or more other ::Clear Card:: Characters, you may pay cost. If so, Stand this." ================================================================================ "New Story" Kinomoto Sakura “新たな物語”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T08S Rarity: SR Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 10000 Soul: 2 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, look at up to 3 cards from top of your Library, choose up to 1 of them and put it in your hand, and put the rest in the Waiting Room. [A] CX COMBO When "New Beginning" is placed to your Climax Zone, if this is in your Front Row, for the turn this gets +2000 Power and the following ability. "[A] [(3) Discard a card from hand to the Waiting Room] This ability activates up to once per turn. When the Battle Opponent of this is Reversed, if you have 4 or more other ::Clear Card:: Characters, you may pay cost. If so, Stand this." ================================================================================ Staff of Dreams 夢の杖 Card No.: CCS/W66-T09 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: If you don't have a Character with "Sakura" in name, you cannot play this from hand. Choose 1 of the following effects and perform it. "For the turn all of your Characters gain +1000 Power and the following ability. '[C] Character Opposite this cannot move to another Slot.'" "Draw a card, then discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room. Put this card in your Stock." ================================================================================ New Beginning 新たな始まり Card No.: CCS/W66-T10 Rarity: TD Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Salvage Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ New Beginning 新たな始まり Card No.: CCS/W66-T10S Rarity: SR Color: Red Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Salvage Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ "Next to Each Other" Tomoyo Daidouji “隣どうし”大道寺知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T11 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 500 Soul: 1 Traits: カメラ (Camera), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] During your Opponent's turn, all your other '"Next to Each Other" Sakura Kinomoto' gain +2000 Power. [A] BOND/'"Next to Each Other" Sakura Kinomoto' [(1)] ================================================================================ "Kind Heart" Tomoyo Daidouji “慈愛の心”大道寺知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T12 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1000 Soul: 1 Traits: カメラ (Camera), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] At the start of your Climax Phase, choose 1 of your ::Clear Card:: Characters, and that Character gains +1000 Power for the turn. [S] BRAINSTORM [(1) Rest this] Flip over the top 4 cards of your Library and put them in the Waiting Room. For each Climax card revealed this way, draw up to 1 card. ================================================================================ "Transfer Student from Hong Kong" Akiho Shinomoto “香港からの転入生”詩之本秋穂 Card No.: CCS/W66-T13 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 1500 Soul: 1 Traits: 本 (Book), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this attacks, choose 1 of your other Characters, and that Character gains +1500 Power for the turn. [S] [Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room, put this in the Waiting Room] Choose a ::Clear Card:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. ================================================================================ "Key of Stars" Sakura Kinomoto “星の鍵”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T14 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] [Rest 1 of your other Standing ::Clear Card:: Characters] On the turn this is placed from hand to the Stage, when the Battle Opponent of this is Reversed, you may pay cost. If so, put the top card of your Library to your Stock. ================================================================================ "Key of Stars" Sakura Kinomoto “星の鍵”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T14R Rarity: RRR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5000 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [A] [Rest 1 of your other Standing ::Clear Card:: Characters] On the turn this is placed from hand to the Stage, when the Battle Opponent of this is Reversed, you may pay cost. If so, put the top card of your Library to your Stock. ================================================================================ "Next to Each Other" Sakura Kinomoto “隣どうし”木之本桜 Card No.: CCS/W66-T15 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 5500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: -- None -- ================================================================================ "Guardian of Cherry Blossoms" Yue “さくらの守護者”月 Card No.: CCS/W66-T16 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 1 Cost: 0 Power: 6500 Soul: 1 Traits: 魔法 (Magic), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: None Flavor: TEXT: [C] If the Level of the Character Opposite this is higher than the Level of this, this cannot Front Attack. (Translation note: the cards that search for "Sakura" look for the name in kanji. This card's name is in hiragana, and has as such been translated to "Cherry Blossoms" to show that it is not a valid target) ================================================================================ "Room Without an Exit" Tomoyo Daidouji “出口のない部屋”大道寺知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T17 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 2 Cost: 1 Power: 4500 Soul: 1 Traits: カメラ (Camera), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] All of your other '"New Story" Kinomoto Sakura' gain +500 Power, ::Costume::, and the following ability. "[C] This cannot be chosen as target of your Opponent's effects." [C] ASSIST All your Characters in front of this gain +X Power. X = 500 times Level of that Character. ================================================================================ "If You're Prepared" Tomoyo Daidouji “備えあれば”大道寺知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T18 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 9500 Soul: 2 Traits: カメラ (Camera), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] When this attacks, choose 1 of your other ::Clear Card:: Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ "If You're Prepared" Tomoyo Daidouji “備えあれば”大道寺知世 Card No.: CCS/W66-T18R Rarity: RRR Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 3 Cost: 2 Power: 9500 Soul: 2 Traits: カメラ (Camera), クリアカード編 (Clear Card) Triggers: Soul Flavor: TEXT: [A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, you may put the top card of your Clock in the Waiting Room. [A] When this attacks, choose 1 of your other ::Clear Card:: Characters, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. ================================================================================ Happy End, Continued ハッピーエンドのつづき Card No.: CCS/W66-T19 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: Soul Gate Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +1000 Power and +1 Soul. ================================================================================ Cardcaptor's Turn! カードキャプターの出番! Card No.: CCS/W66-T20 Rarity: TD Color: Blue Side: Weiss Level: 0 Cost: 0 Power: 0 Soul: 0 Traits: None Triggers: 2 Soul Flavor: TEXT: [C] All your Characters gain +2 Soul. ================================================================================ Return to Heart of the Cards > |