PRD/W100-106   託した願い
Entrusted Wish

Traits: None
『あなたは自分の控え室の「仲間との絆 ユウキ」を1枚まで選び、舞台の好きな枠に置き、そのターン中、そのキャラのパワーを+1000。』
If you don't have a Character with "Kokkoro" in name, you cannot play this from hand.
Choose 1 of the 2 following effects and perform it.
"Draw a card."
"Choose up to 1 'Yuuki, Bond with Allies' in your Waiting Room and put it in any Slot on the Stage, and that Character gains +1000 Power for the turn."
Choose 1 of your Characters with "Yuuki" in name that doesn't have any Markers and put this face-up under that Character as Marker.