OSK/S107-096S   私達目線の今ガチ
LoveforReal from Our Point of View

Traits: None
【カウンター】 このカードは、あなたの《芸能界》のキャラがいないなら、手札からプレイできない。
[(2) 手札の「私達目線の今ガチ」を1枚控え室に置く] あなたのレベルが3以上なら、あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、このカードを思い出にし、次の行動を2回行う。『あなたは自分のキャラを1枚選び、そのターン中、次の能力を与える。『【永】 このカードの正面のキャラのソウルを-2。』』
[Counter] If you don't have a ::Showbiz:: Character, you cannot play this from your hand.
If you are Level 2 or lower, look at up to 4 cards from top of your Library and search for up to 1 ::Showbiz:: Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and put the rest in the Waiting Room.
[(2) Discard a "LoveforReal from Our Point of View" from your hand to the Waiting Room] If you are Level 3 or higher, you may pay cost. If so, send this to Memory, and perform the following action twice. "Choose 1 of your Characters, and that Character gains the following ability for the turn. '[C] Character Opposite this gets -2 Soul.'"