MK/SJ01-004J   “へ”んそうマニア トゥエンティ
Twenty, Disguise Maniac

Trait 1: 怪盗 (Phantom Thief)   Trait 2: ナルシスト (Narcisscist)
【自】 このカードが手札から舞台に置かれた時、あなたは相手と勝負が付くまでじゃんけんし、あなたが負けたなら、このカードを控え室に置き、あなたは自分の山札を見て自分のレベル以下のキャラを1枚まで選び、キャラのいない枠に置く。
[A] When this is placed from hand to the Stage, play Rock-Paper-Scissors with your Opponent until someone wins. If you lose, put this in your Waiting Room and search your Library for up to 1 Character whose Level is equal to or lower than your Level and put it in an empty Slot on the Stage. (do not shuffle your Library after doing so)

(This card is not legal for WGP tournaments)