LOD/S74-022   “アイテム”騎士の鋼靴
"Item" Knight's Steel Shoes

Traits: None
【自】 このカードがマーカー置場から控え室に置かれた時、あなたの《冒険者》のキャラが2枚以上なら、あなたはこのカードを思い出にする。
【自】 記憶 あなたのメインフェイズの始めに、思い出置場にこのカードがあるなら、このカードを手札に戻す。
Choose 1 of your Characters without a Marker, place this face-up under that Character as Marker, put the top card of your Library in the Waiting Room, and if that card is not a Level 2 or higher Character, for the turn, that Character gains +1 soul.
[A] When this is placed into the Waiting Room from Marker, if you have 2 or more ::Adventurer:: Characters, Send this to Memory.
[A] RECOLLECTION At the beginning of your Main Phase, if this is in Memory, return it to your hand.