IM/S21-050   生っすか!?サンデー 春香
Haruka, Live!? On Sundays

Trait 1: 音楽 (Music)   Trait 2: お菓子 (Sweets)
【起】[(3) あなたの舞台のレベル2以上のキャラを1枚とこのカードを控え室に置く] あなたは自分の山札を見て「全員集合!765プロ」を3枚まで選び、前列の別々の枠に置き、自分の控え室の「全員集合!765プロ」を3枚まで選び、前列の別々の枠に置く。その山札をシャッフルする。
[S] [(3) Choose another Level 2 or higher Character on your Stage and this and put them in Waiting Room] Search your Library for up to 3 "765 Production, Everyone Gather!" and put them in separate Slots in the Front Row, and choose up to 3 "765 Production, Everyone Gather!" in your Waiting Room and put them in separate Slots in the Front Row. Shuffle your Library.