GRI/S112-039S   遠い日の約束
Promises of Days Long Past

Traits: None
【自】 記憶 [他のあなたの思い出置場の「遠い日の約束」を3枚とこのカードを控え室に置く] 思い出置場にこのカードがあり、あなたのアンコールステップの始めに、あなたの「大人になるということ トーカ」がいるなら、あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、あなたは相手の山札の上から1枚を、クロック置場に置く。
If you don't have a ::Grisaia:: Character, you cannot play this from your hand.
Search your Library for up to 1 ::Grisaia:: Character, reveal it, put it in your hand, and shuffle your Library. Send this to Memory.
[A] RECOLLECTION [Put 3 other "Promises of Days Long Past" and this from your Memory in the Waiting Room] If this is in Memory, and at the start of your Encore Step you have a "Tohka, About Becoming Adult", you may pay cost. If so, put the top card of your Opponent's Library in their Clock.