GRI/S112-019   夏と水着とバイクと洗車
Summer, Swimsuits, Bike, and Car Washing

Traits: None
『[(1)] あなたはコストを払ってよい。そうしたら、あなたは自分の山札を上から3枚まで見て、山札の上に好きな順番で置き、相手のキャラを1枚まで選び、手札に戻す。』
Choose 1 of the 2 following effects and perform it.
"Choose 1 ::Grisaia:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand."
"(1) You may pay cost. If so, look at the top 3 cards of your Library, put them on top of the Library in any order, choose up to 1 of your Opponent's Characters and return it to their hand."