待ちわびた時 シロガネ Shirogane, Been Waiting for This Moment | |
Traits: 小美呼市 (Omiko City), 妖 (Ayakashi) 【起】[(2) 他のあなたの舞台の「祓忍の日常 祭里」を1枚控え室に置く] あなたのレベルが3以上なら、あなたは自分の控え室の「“女友達”祭里&すず」を1枚選び、舞台の好きな枠に置き、そのターン中、そのキャラのパワーを+2000。 【起】[手札を1枚控え室に置き、このカードを控え室に置く] あなたは自分の控え室の《小美呼市》のキャラを1枚選び、手札に戻す。 | |
[S] [(2) Put another "Matsuri, Daily Life of an Exorcist Ninja" from your Stage in the Waiting Room] If you are Level 3 or higher, choose 1 "'Girl Buddies' Matsuri & Suzu" in your Waiting Room, put it in any Slot on the Stage, and that Character gains +2000 Power for the turn. [S] [Discard a card from your hand to the Waiting Room, put this in the Waiting Room] Choose an ::Omiko City:: Character in your Waiting Room and return it to your hand. |