願いを力に ニーナ Wish Turned Power Nina | |
Trait 1: 静思 (Contemplate) Trait 2: 潔花 (Pure Flower) Trait 3: - (None) World: Monolium [A]: このメンバーの防御中にあなたの「大地の胎動」がバトル領域に置かれた時、そのバトル中、このメンバーに+[Aura][Aura]。 [LD]:[③] あなたのドロップの、≪モノリウム≫のメンバーを1枚とレべルX以下の合理体を1枚選び、手札に戻す。Xは相手の破壊されている門の枚数。 [A] When your card named "Gaia's Sprout" is placed to the Battle Zone while this member is defending, for the battle this member gains +2 aura. [LD] [(3)] Choose a ::Monolium:: member and a Level X or lower Tranceunion in your Drop Zone and return them to your hand. X is the number of your opponent's destroyed gates. |