BT02/049   前線指揮官 ヴェロニカ
Frontline Commander Veronica

Trait 1: 断罪 (Conviction)   Trait 2: (なし) (None)
Trait 3: (-)
World: Tetra-Heaven

[A]:先鋒(相手の破壊されていない門が6枚以上で有効) このメンバーが場に出た時、相手の前列のレベル1のメンバーを1体選び、このメンバーとそのメンバーをドロップしてよい。
[A] When this member loses a battle while defending, choose 1 of your ::Tetra-Heaven:: cards in your Level Zone and Stand it.
[A] Vanguard: When this member enters the Field, choose 1 of your Opponent's Level 1 members in the front row, and you may Drop this member and that member.