G-CMB01/039   呼応する根絶者 エルロ
Hailing Deletor, Elro

Clan: Link Joker   Race: Alien
【自】【左列の(R)】:このユニットがヴァンガードにアタックした時、あなたの右列の(R)に「呼応する根絶者 アルバ」がいるなら、そのバトル中、このユニットのパワー+3000。
[A] [(R)] [1/turn]: When effect of a card puts an Opponent's unit to (R), Countercharge: (1), and your Opponent choose a card in his or her Drop Zone and Banish Delete it.
[A] [(R) in Left Column]: When this attacks, if "Hailing Deletor, Alba" is in an (R) in your Left Column, this gains +3000 Power for the battle.