G-CMB01/001   始源根絶者 ヱヰゴヲグ
Original Deletor, Ewigog

Clan: Link Joker   Race: Alien
Stride - Stride Step - [Discard cards from your hand with the sum of their Grades be 3 or greater] Stride in (V) with this face-down card.
[S] [(V)] [1/turn] [G Break: (2)]: [Counterblast: (1), Retire 1 of your Rearguards with "Deletor" in name] If you have a Hearts card with "Deletor" in name, Delete all your Opponent's Vanguards, choose up to 1 of your Opponent's Back Row Rearguards and Lock it, and your Opponent chooses a card in his or her Drop Zone and Banish Delete it. Then, if there are 4 or more cards in your Opponent's Damage Zone and there are 13 or more face-down cards in your Opponent's Bind Zone, you win the game.