G-BT03/016   看破の忍鬼 ヤスイエ
Ninja Fiend of Revelation, Yasuie

Clan: Murakumo   Race: Demon
[A] [(V)] [1/turn] [G Break: (2)]: When an effect of your cards puts your Rearguard in the Library, search your Library for up to 1 card with the same name as that card and Call it to (R), and shuffle your Library.
[A] [(V)]: [Counterblast: (1)] During your turn, when your G Unit Strides, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your Rearguards, and search your Library for up to 2 cards with the same name as that card and Call them to separate (R)s, shuffle your Library, and at the end of the turn, put the units Called this way on the bottom of the Library in any order.