EB12/S02   白蛇の魔女 ミント
Witch of White Snake, Mint

Clan: Genesis   Race: Human
【起】【(V)】:【双闘20000】「黒蛇の魔女 チコリ」(相手ヴァンガードがグレード3以上なら、このユニットは1度だけドロップゾーンから4枚山札に戻し、山札から指定カードを探し、双闘できる)
[S] [(V)]: [Legion 20000] "Witch of Black Snake, Chicory"
[A] [(V)]: [Soulblast: (6)] When this attacks a Vanguard, if this is Legioned, you may pay cost. If so, for the turn, this gains +10000 Power and "[C] [(V)]: All your Rearguards in the Front Row with "Witch" in name gain +5000 Power".
[S] [(V)]: [Counterblast: (1)] If you have another card with "Witch" in name in the Middle Column, Soulcharge: (3). This ability cannot be used again this turn.