EB09/002   クルーエル・ドラゴン
Cruel Dragon

Clan: Kagero   Race: Flame Dragon
[A] [(V)] [LB:(4)]: [Counterblast: (1), Soulblast: (1)]: When this attacks a Vanguard, you may pay cost. If so, choose 1 of your Opponent's Grade 2 or lower Rearguards and Retire it.
[S] [Hand]: [Reveal this, Rest 1 of your Grade 2 or higher ::Kagero:: Vanguard] During this turn's Main Phase, if an Opponent's Rearguard is placed in the Drop Zone, Ride this Standing, and choose 1 of your Vanguards. It gets -3000 Pwoer for the turn.
[C] [(V)/(R)]: Lord