BT15/S11   マシニング・スパークヘラクレス
Machining Spark Hercules

Clan: Megacolony   Race: Insect
[A] [(V)] [LB:(4)]: [Counterblast: (2) - Cards with "Machining" in name] When this attacks a Vanguard, if your Opponent's Vanguard and Rearguards are all Rested, you may pay cost. If so, this gains +10000 Power and +1 Critical for the battle, and choose 1 of your Opponent's Rearguards. It doesn't Stand during your Opponent's Stand Phase.
[S] [(V)]: [Soulblast: (1) - Card with "Machining" in name] Rest all your Opponent's Rearguards, and this gains +2000 Power for the turn.
[C] [(V)/(R)]: Lord